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步步为营 SharePoint 开发学习笔记系列 十、SharePoint web service 开发(下)




接下来我们介绍Lists.UpdateListItems 在更新item做法和UserGroup.GetUserCollectionFromSite()的用法,请先学习步步为营SharePoint 开发学习笔记系列 八、SharePoint web service 开发(上),你将更容易学习web service的开发






view sourceprint?01 <Batch OnError="Continue" ListVersion="1" 


02 ViewName="270C0508-A54F-4387-8AD0-49686D685EB2"> 


03    <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update"> 


04       <Field Name="ID">4<Field> 


05       <Field Name="Field_Name">Value</Field> 


06    </Method> 


07    <Method ID="2" Cmd="Update"> 


08       <Field Name="ID" >6</Field> 


09       <Field Name="Field_Name">Value</Field> 


10    </Method> 


11 </Batch>




view sourceprint?01 <Batch OnError="Continue" PreCalc="TRUE" 


02 ListVersion="0" 


03 ViewName="{EF2F5A21-0FD0-4654-84ED-112B4F5A48F8}"> 


04    <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update"> 


05       <Field Name="ID">3</Field> 


06       <Field Name="owshiddenversion">1</Field> 


07       <Field Name="FileRef"> 


08          http://Server/[sites/][Site/]Shared  


09          Documents/Folder</Field> 


10       <Field Name="FSObjType">1</Field> 


11       <Field Name="BaseName">Name</Field> 


12    </Method> 


13 </Batch>




view sourceprint?01 <Batch OnError="Continue" PreCalc="TRUE" 


02 ListVersion="0" 


03 ViewName="{EF2F5A21-0FD0-4654-84ED-112B4F5A48F8}"> 


04    <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update"> 


05       <Field Name="ID">2</Field> 


06       <Field Name="owshiddenversion">1</Field> 


07       <Field Name="FileRef"> 


08          http://Server/[sites/][Site/]Shared  


09          Documents/File</Field> 


10       <Field Name="BaseName">Name</Field> 


11    </Method> 


12 </Batch>




view sourceprint?01 /// <summary> 


02 /// Get the approved XML Node that will be used for the insert method of the webservice 


03 /// </summary> 


04 /// <param name="batch"></param> 


05 /// <returns></returns> 


06 private XmlNode GetUpdateXmlNode(List<ListItemBE> batch) 


07 { 


08     StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); 




10     xml.Append(@"<Batch OnError=""Continue"">"); 


11     foreach (ListItemBE listItem in batch) 


12     { 


13         xml.AppendFormat(@"<Method ID=""{0}"" Cmd=""Update"">", listItem.Id); 


14         xml.Append(GetFieldInnerXml(listItem)); 


15         xml.Append("</Method>"); 


16     } 


17     xml.Append("</Batch>"); 




19     //Get the Batch node 


20     XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); 


21     doc.LoadXml(xml.ToString()); 




23     XmlNode batchNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Batch"); 


24     return batchNode; 


25 }


更新item时调用sharepoint的web service的处理


view sourceprint?01 /// <summary> 


02 /// Insert the items 


03 /// </summary> 


04 /// <param name="batch"></param> 


05 /// <returns></returns> 


06 private UpdateResultBE UpdateItems(List<ListItemBE> batch) 


07 { 


08     //Get the Insert XML Node 


09     XmlNode batchNode = GetUpdateXmlNode(batch); 


10     XmlNode result = null; 




12     _logger.Log("Started batch updating list Items"); 


13     try


14     { 


15         //Call the webservice 


16         result = _ws.UpdateListItems(_listProperty.ListName, batchNode); 


17     } 


18     catch (Exception ex) 


19     { 


20         _logger.Log(String.Fo

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