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Using SOAP from inside ASP,maybe helpful for you!

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%Option Explicit%>
<!-- #include file="i_soapcall.asp" -->
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
Dim     ASPNETResources    
If len( Application("ASPNETResourceList") )>0 then    'we have our latest resources

    REM -- check to see if they expired
    If DateDiff("h",Now(),Application("ASPNETResourcesUpdated")) > Application("ASPNETExpires") Then    
        REM -- we need to update the latest resurces
        ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()
    End if 'datediff...

Else    'for some reason the application level variable is empty, fill it.
    ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()

End if 'len(..

Response.Write     Application("ASPNETResourceList")

<P> </P>



Sub Application_OnStart
    Dim ASPNETResources

    ASPNETResources = GetASPNetResources()    
    Application("ASPNETExpires") = 12    'set the content to expire in 12 hours.
    If Len(ASPNETResources) >0 then    'populate the application level variables
    End if

End Sub
<!-- #include file="i_soapcall.asp" -->

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Function GetASPNetResources()    
    Dim returnString
    Dim myXML
    Dim SoapRequest
    Dim SoapURL

    Set SoapRequest = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    Set myXML =Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")

    SoapURL = ""
    SoapRequest.Open "GET",SoapURL , False

    if Not myXML.load(SoapRequest.responseXML) then 'an Error loading XML
        returnString = ""
    Else    'parse the XML

        Dim nodesURL
        Dim nodesName
        Dim nodesDateUpdated
        Dim nodesDomain
        Dim NumOfNodes
        Dim ResourceList
        Dim i

        REM -- The XML Nodes are CASE SENSITIVVE!
        Set nodesURL=myXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//URL")
        Set nodesName=myXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//Name")

        REM -- uncomment the following lines if we want to access the DataUpdated and the Domain Nodes
        REM --Set nodesDateUpdated = myXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//DateUpdated")
        REM --Set nodesDomain = myXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//Domain")

        REM -- the number of nodes in the list
        NumOfNodes = nodesURL.Length
        ResourceList = "<font face=verdana size=2>Latest ASP.NET Resources</font><ul>"

        For i = 0 to NumOfNodes -1
            ResourceList = ResourceList & "<li><a href=>        next

        ResourceList =ResourceList & "</ul>"
        returnString = ResourceList
        Set nodesURL = Nothing
        Set nodesName = Nothing
    End If
    Set SoapRequest = Nothing
    Set myXML = Nothing
    GetASPNetResources = returnString
End Function

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