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Sub VDither(startForm As Form)
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    startForm.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    startForm.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    startForm.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    startForm.DrawWidth = 2
    startForm.AutoRedraw = True
    For intLoop = 0 To startForm.ScaleHeight
       startForm.Line (0, intLoop)-(startForm.ScaleWidth, intLoop), RGB(Abs(255 - intLoop), Abs(255 - intLoop), Abs(255 - intLoop)), B
    Next intLoop
End Sub

Sub HDither(startForm As Form)
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    startForm.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    startForm.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    startForm.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    startForm.DrawWidth = 2
    startForm.AutoRedraw = True
    For intLoop = 0 To startForm.Width
     startForm.Line (intLoop, 1)-(intLoop, startForm.Height), RGB(Abs(255 - intLoop), 255, 255), B
   Next intLoop
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    VDither Form1
End Sub
其他:Private Type RGB_Type
  R As Long
  G As Long
  B As Long
End Type

Private Function Percent(a As Variant, _
                        ByVal B As Variant) As Double

  'calculate percentage given two numbers(using Variant allows you st send any type
  'Provided for this demo
  'you probably have your own percent function already
  Dim c As Single
  If a > B Then
    a = B
  End If
  If B = 0 Then
    Percent = 0
    Exit Function
  End If
  c = Int(a / B * 100)
  If c > 100 Then
    c = 100
  End If
  Percent = c

End Function

Private Function RGBPercentage(lngStartColor As Long, _
                              lngEndColor As Long, _
                              ByVal phase As Single) As Long

  'generate a colour that is a certain percentage between the 2 input colours
  Dim Scols As RGB_Type
  Dim Ecols As RGB_Type
'break the colours up
  Scols = ToRGB(lngStartColor)
  Ecols = ToRGB(lngEndColor)
'generate the new colour
  With Scols
    RGBPercentage = RGB(.R + ((Ecols.R - .R) * phase / 100), .G + ((Ecols.G - .G) * phase / 100), .B + ((Ecols.B - .B) * phase / 100))
  End With 'Scols

End Function

Private Function ToRGB(ByVal LngColor As Long) As RGB_Type
'break a long colour value into its RGB parts
'there are lots of ways to do this (many faster than this)
'this is just the one I had stored in my templates folder
  Dim ColorStr As String

  ColorStr = Right$("000000" & Hex$(LngColor), 6)
  With ToRGB
    .R = Val("&h" & Right$(ColorStr, 2))
    .G = Val("&h" & Mid$(ColorStr, 3, 2))
    .B = Val("&h" & Left$(ColorStr, 2))
  End With

End Function

Private Sub Form_Resize()
  Dim X    As Long

  For X = 1 To Me.Width
   Me.Line (X, 0)-(X, Me.Height), RGBPercentage(RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 0, 0), Percent(X, Me.Width))
  Next X
End Sub 


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