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Dotnet WinForm 建立 FAQ2(转贴)(编程技巧)

答案:9.     如何制作一个MDI的窗体
1.     建立一个新的Windows Application项目
2.     分别加入两个窗体Form1 、Form2
3.     设置Form1的IsMdiContainer属性为True。使它成为MDI主窗体。
4.     在Form2中加入一个RichTextBox控件,并设置Dock为:Fill
5.     在Tools 窗体中拖一个MainMenu到窗体Form1,然后建立一个菜单File|Windows|Help三个菜单项,File中包括New、Exit菜单项;Windows中包括Cascade、Horizontal等。
6.     设置Windows菜单项的MdiList属性=True, 这样每一个MDI子窗口将自动加在Windows菜单项下面。
7.     双击New菜单项,然后加入以下代码:
     private void menuNew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
         Form2  NewMdiChild ;
         NewMdiChild = new Form2() ;
         NewMdiChild.MdiParent = this ;
         NewMdiChild.Show() ;
8.     在Windows的Cascade等菜单项中加入以下代码:
     private void menuWindowCasca_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
         this.LayoutMdi( MdiLayout.Cascade) ;
9.     F5运行。
最终版的VS.NET 不知是否会有一个通用的模板,不过用完全手工的方式产生一个MDI的窗口,显得有些繁琐,不如VS.NET的IDE方式下那么简洁。
10.     如何将你的窗体不显示在任务条上.
当窗体的边界风格是Tools Window时它都不会出现在任务条上的.另外上面标题5中介绍的方法不仅窗体看不见,也不会出现在任务条上.
    MyTaskBarFrm.ShowInTaskbar = false ; ( C# )
11.     如何制作一个带启动屏幕的窗体.
     // ( C# )
     protected override void OnLoad ( System.EventArgs e )
         //make load take a long time
     static void <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> Main ()
         SplashScreen splashForm = new SplashScreen();
         Form1 mainForm = new Form1() ;
         mainForm.Load += new EventHandler(splashForm.MainScreen_Load);
不要忘了加上对Threading的引用: using System.Threading;
12.     如何使你的窗体TrayIcon.
实现这个功能你可以运用NotifyIcon控件来达到,从Tools Windows中将NotifyIcon拖到你的窗体上然后在下面的事件加入如下代码,F5。
   ' // VB.NET
    Private mIconA As Icon = New Icon("Icon1.ico")
    Private mIconB As Icon = New Icon("Icon2.ico")
    Private mIconDisplayed As Boolean
    Public Sub New()
        Form1 = Me
        'This call is required by the Win Form Designer.
        'TODO: Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
        'this form isn't used directly so hide it immediately
        'setup the tray icon
    End Sub
    Private Sub Initializenotifyicon()
        'setup the default icon
        notifyicon = New System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon()
        NotifyIcon.Icon = mIconA
        NotifyIcon.Text = "Right Click for the menu"
        NotifyIcon.Visible = True
        mIconDisplayed = True
        'Insert all MenuItem objects into an array and add them to
        'the context menu simultaneously
        Dim mnuItms(3) As MenuItem
        mnuItms(0) = New MenuItem("Show Form...", New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.ShowFormSelect))
        mnuItms(0).DefaultItem = True
        mnuItms(1) = New MenuItem("Toggle Image", New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.ToggleImageSelect))
        mnuItms(2) = New MenuItem("-")
        mnuItms(3) = New MenuItem("Exit", New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.ExitSelect))
        Dim notifyiconMnu As ContextMenu = New ContextMenu(mnuItms)
        notifyicon.ContextMenu = notifyiconMnu
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowFormSelect(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        'Display the settings dialog
        Dim SettingsForm As New SettingsForm()
    End Sub
    Public Sub ToggleImageSelect(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        'called when the user selects the 'Toggle Image' context menu


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