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答案:可以看下这个程序利用OLE调用matlab opc通信,应该是比较简单的

use Win32::OLE;    # Win32::OLE 方法: Invoke  LastError QueryObjectType
use Win32::OLE::Variant;

# Simple perl script to execute commands in Matlab.
# Note the name Win32::OLE is misleading and this actually uses COM!
# $Revision: 1.2 $ $Author: batserve $ $Date: 2004/12/01 14:15:22 $

# Use existing instance if Matlab is already running.
eval {$ml = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Matlab.Application')}; # eval是异常处理机制
die "Matlab not installed" if $@;
unless (defined $ml) {
$ml = Win32::OLE->new('Matlab.Application')    #  创建matlab对象   excel中用$xl = Win32::OLE->new(“Excel.Application“); 
or die "Oops, cannot start Matlab"; 

# Examples of executing MATLAB commands - these functions execute in
# MATLAB and return the status.

# 定义matlab中的命令
@exe_commands = ("IRK = pdbread('pdb1irk.ent');",
"LCK = pdbread('pdb3lck.ent');", 
"[Score, Alignment] = swalign(IRK, LCK,'showscore',1);"); 

# send the commands to Matlab   # 调用前面定义的各matlab命令
foreach $exe_command (@exe_commands)
{  $status = &send_to_matlab('Execute', $exe_command);
print "Matlab status = ", $status, "\n"; 

# 将命令传给matlab的子函数
sub send_to_matlab
{  my ($call, @command) = @_;              # 获取传进来的两个参数,$call是'Execute',@command 是$exe_command
my $status = 0; 
print "\n>> $call( @command )\n";       # 输出两个参数 
$result = $ml->Invoke($call, @command); # 调用matlab运行命令, $result是matlab的返回结果 
if (defined($result)) 
{   unless ($result =~ s/^.\?{3}/Error:/) 
{  print "$result\n" unless ($result eq ""); 
{  print "$result\n"; 
$status = -1; 
return $status; 

# Examples of passing variables between MATLAB and Perl. 两者之间参数的传递
# MATLAB supoprts passing character arrays directly with the following syntax:
# PutCharArray([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR workspace, [in] BSTR string);
# GetCharArray([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR workspace, [out] BSTR string);

&send_to_matlab('PutCharArray', 'centralDogma', 'base', 'DNA->RNA->Protein.');
&send_to_matlab('GetCharArray', 'centralDogma', 'base');

# Numeric arrays can be passed by reference in a SAFEARRAY using the
# PutFullMatrix and GetFullMatrix functions.
# PutFullMatrix([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR workspace, [in] BSTR data);
# GetFullMatrix([in] BSTR varname, [in] BSTR workspace, [out] BSTR retdata);

$mReal = Variant(VT_ARRAY|VT_R8, 4, 4);    # Win32::OLE::Variant 变量的定义格式,在DOS下用perldoc -i Win32::OLE::Variant了解其详细信息
$mImag = Variant(VT_ARRAY|VT_R8, 4, 4);    # VT_ARRAY--矩阵,VT_DATE--日期,VT_BSTR--字符串

$mReal->Put([[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]);  # 给Variant类型变量赋值
print "\n>> PutFullMatrix( 'magicArray', 'base', ",'$mReal, $mImag'," )\n";
$ml->PutFullMatrix('magicArray', 'base', $mReal, $mImag);  # 数据传入matlab,以magicArray为变量名的矩阵
$ml->Execute('magicArray = magic(4)');                     # 执行matlab命令,定义矩阵magicArray并赋值

$m2Real = Variant(VT_ARRAY|VT_R8|VT_BYREF,4,4);
$m2Imag = Variant(VT_ARRAY|VT_R8|VT_BYREF,4,4);
print "\n>> GetFullMatrix( 'magicArray', 'base', ",'$m2Real, $m2Imag',
" )\n";
$ml->GetFullMatrix('magicArray', 'base', $m2Real, $m2Imag); #从matlab中获取矩阵

for ($i = 0; $i  4; $i++) {
printf "%3d %3d %3d %3d\n", $m2Real->Get($i,0), $m2Real->Get($i,1) 
$m2Real->Get($i,2), $m2Real->Get($i,3) 
}  # $m2Real->Get($i,0) 是第$i行第1列元素,$m2Real->Get($i,3)是第$i行第4列元素

# Additionally, you can use Variants to send scalar variables by reference
# to MATLAB for all data types except sparse arrays and function handles through
# PutWorkspaceData:
# PutWorkspaceData([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR workspace, [in] BSTR data);
# Results are passed back to Perl directly with GetVariable:
# HRESULT = GetVariable([in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Workspace);

# Create and initialize a date Variant.
$dnaDate = Variant->new(VT_DATE|VT_BYREF, 'Feb 28, 1953');

&send_to_matlab('PutWorkspaceData', 'dnaDate', 'base', $dnaDate);
&send_to_matlab('Execute', 'dnaDate');

# Create and initialize a new string Variant.
$aminoString = Variant->new(VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF, 'matlab');
$aa = Variant->new(VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF, ' matlab');
&send_to_matlab('PutWorkspaceData', 'aminoAcids', 'base', $aminoString);
&send_to_matlab('PutWorkspaceData', 'a_value', 'base', $aa);  # 将perl中的变量值付给matlab中的变量

# Change the value in MATLAB
&send_to_matlab('Execute', "aminoAcids = 'ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV';"); #  执行matlab中的命令

# Bring the new value back
$aa = $ml->GetVariable('aminoAcids','base');
$aa = $ml->Invoke('GetVariable', 'aminoAcids', 'base'); #'GetCharArray'是命令名, 'aminoAcids'是matlab中的变量,
$aa = $ml->Invoke('GetCharArray', 'aminoAcids', 'base'); #'GetCharArray'是命令名, 'aminoAcids'是matlab中的变量,
printf "Amino acid codes: %s\n", $aa;
undef $ml; # close Matlab if we opened it



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