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% EDGE4CONNECTED Creates edges where each node % is connected to its four adjacent neighbors on a % height x width grid. % E - a vector in which each row i represents an edge E(i,1) --> E(i,2). % The edges are listed is in the following neighbor order: % down,up,right,left, where nodes indices are taken column-major. function E = edges4connected(height,width) N = height*width; I = []; J = []; % connect vertically (down, then up) is = [1:N]'; is([height:height:N])=[]; js = is+1; I = [I;is;js]; J = [J;js;is]; % connect horizontally (right, then left) is = [1:N-height]'; js = is+height; I = [I;is;js]; J = [J;js;is]; E = [I,J]; end PS:is = [1:N]'; is([height:height:N])=[]; I = [I;is;js];都是什么意思啊?
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