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与简单电子邮件发送程序相比,本示例程序多了框架控件及其中的内容。框架中的列表框用来显示附件的路径,另外两个按钮的作用相信你一看就知道。真正发送附件的代码在Send message按钮的Click事件中。在该事件中多了一小段代码:


For i = 0 To lstAttachments.ListCount - 1

    lstAttachments.ListIndex = i

    m_strEncodedFiles = m_strEncodedFiles & _

    UUEncodeFile(lstAttachments.Text) & vbCrLf

Next i



Add atacchments

strMessage = txtMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & m_strEncodedFiles




Public Function UUEncodeFile(strFilePath As String) As String


Dim intFile As Integer     file handler

Dim intTempFile As Integer temp file

Dim lFileSize As Long      size of the file

Dim strFileName As String  name of the file

Dim strFileData As String  file data chunk

Dim lEncodedLines As Long  number of encoded lines

Dim strTempLine As String  temporary string

Dim i As Long              loop counter

Dim j As Integer           loop counter


Dim strResult As String

Get file name

strFileName = Mid$(strFilePath, InStrRev(strFilePath, "") + 1)

Insert first marker: "begin 664 ..."

strResult = "begin 664 " + strFileName + vbLf

Get file size

lFileSize = FileLen(strFilePath)

lEncodedLines = lFileSize 45 + 1

Prepare buffer to retrieve data from

the file by 45 symbols chunks

strFileData = Space(45)

intFile = FreeFile

Open strFilePath For Binary As intFile

For i = 1 To lEncodedLines

    Read file data by 45-bytes cnunks


    If i = lEncodedLines Then

        Last line of encoded data often is not

        equal to 45, therefore we need to change

        size of the buffer

        strFileData = Space(lFileSize Mod 45)

    End If

    Retrieve data chunk from file to the buffer

Get intFile, , strFileData

    Add first symbol to encoded string that informs

    about quantity of symbols in encoded string.

    More often "M" symbol is used.

strTempLine = Chr(Len(strFileData) + 32)


    If i = lEncodedLines And (Len(strFileData) Mod 3) Then

        If the last line is processed and length of

        source data is not a number divisible by 3,

补充:软件开发 , Vb ,
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