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步步为营 SharePoint 开发学习笔记系列 八、SharePoint EventHandler开发




     SharePoint的EventHandler主要有Web Level,List Level,List Item Level,Email几种。SharePoint的event handler主要是继承SPWebEventReceiver, SPEmailEventReceiver, SPListEventReceiver和SPItemEventReceiver类去实现其中相应的方法来完成我们的需求。






view sourceprint?01 /// <summary> 


02 /// EventHandler 


03 /// </summary> 


04 class EventHandler 


05 { 


06     private string _assemblyFullName = string.Empty; 


07     public string AssemblyFullName 


08     { 


09         get


10         { 


11             return _assemblyFullName; 


12         } 


13     } 


14     private string _className = string.Empty; 


15     public string ClassName 


16     { 


17         get


18         { 


19             return _className; 


20         } 


21     } 


22     private SPEventReceiverType _eventType; 


23     private SPEventReceiverType EventType 


24     { 


25         get


26         { 


27             return _eventType; 


28         } 


29     } 


30     private string _data = string.Empty; 


31     public string Data 


32     { 


33         get


34         { 


35             return _data; 


36         } 


37     } 


38     private bool _deleteExistingEvents = false; 


39     public bool DeleteExistingEvents 


40     { 


41         get


42         { 


43             return _deleteExistingEvents; 


44         } 


45     } 




47     /// <summary> 


48     /// EventHandler 


49     /// </summary> 


50     /// <param name="handlerAssembly"></param> 


51     /// <param name="handlerClass"></param> 


52     /// <param name="eventType"></param> 


53     /// <param name="data"></param> 


54     /// <param name="deleteExisting"></param> 


55     public EventHandler(string handlerAssembly, string handlerClass, SPEventReceiverType eventType, string data, bool deleteExisting) 


56     { 


57         this._eventType = eventType; 


58         this._data = data; 


59         this._assemblyFullName = handlerAssembly; 


60         this._className = handlerClass; 


61         this._deleteExistingEvents = deleteExisting; 


62     } 


63     /// <summary> 


64     /// Registers the event handler on the list with the specified name in the specified web. 


65     /// The function will not throw errors, but will return a string with any error or success description (a log) 


66     /// </summary> 


67     /// <param name="web">The SPWeb object of the sharepoint web site containing the list to attach the event handler to</param> 


68     /// <param name="listName">The name of the list to attach the event to</param>         


69     /// <returns>A log of the event assignment</returns> 


70     public string RegisterEvent(SPWeb web, SPList list) 


71     { 


72         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); 


73         try


74         { 


75             SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver = list.EventReceivers.Add(); 


76             eventReceiver.Name = list.Title + EventType; 


77             eventReceiver.Type = this.EventType; 


78             eventReceiver.Assembly = this.AssemblyFullName; 



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