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答案:wave2gray.m function w = wave2gray(c, s, scale, border) %WAVE2GRAY Display wavelet decomposition coefficients. % W = WAVE2GRAY(C, S, SCALE, BORDER) displays and returns a % wavelet coefficient image. % EXAMPLES: % wave2gray(c, s); Display w/defaults. % foo = wave2gray(c, s); Display and return. % foo = wave2gray(c, s, 4); Magnify the details. % foo = wave2gray(c, s, -4); Magnify absolute values. % foo = wave2gray(c, s, 1, 'append'); Keep border values. % % INPUTS/OUTPUTS: % [C, S] is a wavelet decomposition vector and bookkeeping % matrix. % % SCALE Detail coefficient scaling %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % 0 or 1 Maximum range (default) % 2, 3... Magnify default by the scale factor % -1, -2... Magnify absolute values by abs(scale) % % BORDER Border between wavelet decompositions %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % 'absorb' Border replaces image (default) % 'append' Border increases width of image % % Image W: ------- ------ -------------- ------------------- % | | | | % | a(n) | h(n) | | % | | | | % ------- ------ h(n-1) | % | | | | % | v(n) | d(n) | | h(n-2) % | | | | % ------- ------ -------------- % | | | % | v(n-1) | d(n-1) | % | | | % -------------- -------------- ------------------- % | | % | v(n-2) | d(n-2) % | | % % Here, n denotes the decomposition step scale and a, h, v, d are % approximation, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal detail % coefficients, respectively. % Check input arguments for reasonableness. error(nargchk(2, 4, nargin)); if (ndims(c) ~= 2) | (size(c, 1) ~= 1) error('C must be a row vector.'); end if (ndims(s) ~= 2) | ~isreal(s) | ~isnumeric(s) | (size(s, 2) ~= 2) error('S must be a real, numeric two-column array.'); end elements = prod(s, 2); if (length(c) < elements(end)) | ... ~(elements(1) + 3 * sum(elements(2:end - 1)) >= elements(end)) error(['[C S] must be a standard wavelet ' ... 'decomposition structure.']); end if (nargin > 2) & (~isreal(scale) | ~isnumeric(scale)) error('SCALE must be a real, numeric scalar.'); end if (nargin > 3) & (~ischar(border)) error('BORDER must be character string.'); end if nargin == 2 scale =1; % Default scale. end if nargin < 4 border = 'absorb'; % Default border. end % Scale coefficients and determine pad fill. absflag = scale < 0; scale = abs(scale); if scale == 0 scale = 1; end [cd, w] = wavecut('a', c, s); w = mat2gray(w); cdx = max(abs(cd(:))) / scale; if absflag cd = mat2gray(abs(cd), [0, cdx]); fill = 0; else cd = mat2gray(cd, [-cdx, cdx]); fill = 0.5; end % Build gray image one decomposition at a time. for i = size(s, 1) - 2:-1:1 ws = size(w); h = wavecopy('h', cd, s, i); pad = ws - size(h); frontporch = round(pad / 2); h = padarray(h, frontporch, fill, 'pre'); h = padarray(h, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post'); v = wavecopy('v', cd, s, i); pad = ws - size(v); frontporch = round(pad / 2); v = padarray(v, frontporch, fill, 'pre'); v = padarray(v, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post'); d = wavecopy('d', cd, s, i); pad = ws - size(d); frontporch = round(pad / 2); d = padarray(d, frontporch, fill, 'pre'); d = padarray(d, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post'); % Add 1 pixel white border. switch lower(border) case 'append' w = padarray(w, [1 1], 1, 'post'); h = padarray(h, [1 0], 1, 'post'); v = padarray(v, [0 1], 1, 'post'); case 'absorb' w(:, end) = 1; w(end, :) = 1; h(end, :) = 1; v(:, end) = 1; otherwise error('Unrecognized BORDER parameter.'); end w = [w h; v d]; % Concatenate coefs. end if nargout == 0 imshow(w); % Display result. end ...

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