如下程序:import java.util.*;
public class TestInput1
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("How much money will you contribute every year? ");
double payment = in.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Interest rate in %: ");
double interestRate = in.nextDouble();
double balance = 0;
int year = 0;
String input;
// update account balance while user isn't ready to retire
// add this year's payment and interest
balance += payment;
double interest = balance * interestRate / 100;
balance += interest;
// print current balance
System.out.printf("After year %d, your balance is %,.2f%n", year, balance);
// ask if ready to retire and get input
System.out.println("Ready to retire? (Y/N) ");
input = in.nextLine();
while (input.equalsIgnoreCase("N") || (input.length()==0));
运行后,怎么才能将第一次运行input = in.nextLine();的结果(回车or空格)打印出来?
How much money will you contribute every year?
Interest rate in %:
After year 1, your balance is 72,100.00
Ready to retire? (Y/N)
After year 2, your balance is 146,363.00
Ready to retire? (Y/N) --------------------编程问答-------------------- 怎么才能将第一次运行input = in.nextLine();的结果(回车or空格)打印出来?
有点看不懂,在说清楚一点呗,input不是要输入Y/N的吗 怎么是回来or空格呢? --------------------编程问答-------------------- 就是在input = in.nextLine();读取之前,总共有两次读取,在第二次double interestRate = in.nextDouble();读取的时候,我输入一个数,然后回车,然后这次只读取输入的这个数,但是还有个回车字符没有读取,所以当运行到input = in.nextLine();的时候,nextLine()应该会直接去读取回车 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 不知道我的理解对还是不对
补充:Java , Java相关