include "mysql.php";
$db = new Dirver();
$db->DBLink($dbhost='localhost', $dbuser='root', $password='password', $dbname='name', $pconnect=0);
Class Dirver{
//link database
function DBLink($dbhost='localhost', $dbuser='root', $password='', $dbname='', $pconnect=0){
$this->LinkID[$this->Line] = ($pconnect == 1)? @mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $password) : @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $password) or die("Connect to MySQL ($dbhost,$dbuser) failed");
//choose to link database
@mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->LinkID[$this->Line]) or die('Cannot use database '.$dbname);
return $this->LinkID[$this->Line];
//view qurry
function query($query,$limit='') {
$this -> nums ++;
//test if there is finite data,then function
$query = $query.' LIMIT '.$limit;
$this-> Lists[$this->Line][] = $query;
$querys = mysql_query($query,$this->LinkID[$this->Line]);
return $querys;
//back to array info
function fetch_array($query) {
return @mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC);
//back to array info
function result($query) {
return @mysql_result($query,$this->LinkID[$this->Line]);
//back to row info
function rows($query) {
return $this->fetch_array($this->query($query));
//back to numrows
function nums($query) {
return $this->num_rows($this->query($query));
//fetch the numbers backing out
function num_rows($query){
return @mysql_num_rows($query);
//return to every field of single row
function fetch_row($query) {
return @mysql_fetch_row($query);
//返回最后一次使用 INSERT 指令的 ID
//return to inserted ID used last time
function insert_id(){
return @mysql_insert_id($this->LinkID[$this->Line]);
//close current database link
function close(){
return @mysql_close($this->LinkID[$this->Line]);
//test mysql version
function version(){
$query = @mysql_query("SELECT VERSION()",$this->LinkID[$this->Line]);
return @mysql_result($query, 0);
//返回友情提示信息 更多http://www.52mvc.com
//return to kindly note
function DB_Error_t($query=''){
function DB_Error($query=''){
global $PHP_SELF;
//error sentence
$errors = preg_replace("/'(.+?)'/is"," '<font color='#8899DF'><b>//1</b></font>' ",mysql_error());
$charset ='';
//language noted
$lang = Array('This SQL Error Info!', 'Error Script:', 'Present time:',
'Http Host:', 'Server Name:', 'Server Software:',
'Host IP Address:', 'Remote User Agent:', 'Current File:',
'Current Line:', 'Line.', 'The Error number:',
'The specific Error was:', 'SQL Query :', 'Not discover whateverly SQL Sentence !');
$nowdate = date('Y-m-d H:i A');
$errors = preg_replace("/'(.+?)'/is","'<font color='#8899DF'><b>//1</b></font>'",mysql_error());
//test if there is any sentence.
$query = $lang[14];
echo "<html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=$charset'>
<table style='BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse;font-size:9pt;' borderColor='#a8b7c6' cellSpacing='1' width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='3' align='center'>
<td bgColor='#F9F9F9' height='38' colspan='2'>
<font size='4' face='Arial' color='#800000'>$lang[0]</font></td>
<td bgColor='#F9F9F9' width='165'>