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import 易做图json 
import urllib 
import urllib2 
import os  
MD5 = "5248f774d2ee0a10936d0b1dc89107f1" 
MD5 = "12fa5fb74201d9b6a14f63fbf9a81ff6"  #do not have report on virustotal.com 
APIKEY = "e0a50a50e77fxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4f17e31  这里用你自己在virustotal上申请的账号的KEY" 
class VirusTotal: 
    def __init__(self, md5): 
        self._virus_dict = {} 
        self._md5 = md5 
    def repr(self): 
        return str(self._virus_dict) 
    def submit_md5(self, file_path): 
        import postfile                                                                           
        #submit the file 
        FILE_NAME =  os.path.basename(file_path)  
        host = "www.virustotal.com"                                                               
        selector = "https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/scan"                                
        fields = [("apikey", APIKEY)] 
        file_to_send = open(file_path, "rb").read()                                               
        files = [("file", FILE_NAME, file_to_send)]                                               
        json = postfile.post_multipart(host, selector, fields, files)                             
        print json 
    def get_report_dict(self): 
        result_dict = {} 
        url = "https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/report" 
        parameters = {"resource": self._md5, 
                       "apikey": APIKEY} 
        data = urllib.urlencode(parameters) 
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data) 
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 
        json = response.read() 
        response_dict = 易做图json.loads(json) 
        if response_dict["response_code"]: #has result  
            scans_dict = response_dict.get("scans", {}) 
            for anti_virus_comany, virus_name in scans_dict.iteritems(): 
                if virus_name["detected"]: 
                    self._virus_dict.setdefault(anti_virus_comany, virus_name["result"]) 
        return self._virus_dict 

返回的结果为:{u'Sophos': u'Sus/Behav-1010'},如果有扫描出的结果的话..

MD5 = "12fa5fb74201d9b6a14f63fbf9a81ff6"  #do not have report on virustotal.com 
MD5 = "5248f774d2ee0a10936d0b1dc89107f1" 
FILE_PATH = r"D:\backSample\10\9af41bc012d66c98ca2f9c68ba38e98f_ICQLiteShell.dll" 
from getVirusTotalInfo import VirusTotal 
virus_total = VirusTotal(MD5) 
print virus_total.get_report_dict() 

补充:Web开发 , Python ,
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