package com.wzs.linux;
public class Relationship
public static final String OUT = "out";
public static final String IN = "in";
public static final String BOTH = "both";
private String type;
private String direction;
public String toJsonCollection()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("{ ");
sb.append(" \"type\" : \"" + type + "\"");
if (direction != null)
sb.append(", \"direction\" : \"" + direction + "\"");
sb.append(" }");
return sb.toString();
public Relationship(String type, String direction)
public Relationship(String type)
this(type, null);
public void setType(String type)
this.type = type;
public void setDirection(String direction)
this.direction = direction;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
public class CreateSimpleGraph
private static final String SERVER_ROOT_URI = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/";
public static void main( String[] args ) throws URISyntaxException
// START SNIPPET: nodesAndProps
URI firstNode = createNode();
addProperty( firstNode, "name", "Joe Strummer" );
URI secondNode = createNode();
addProperty( secondNode, "band", "The Clash" );
// END SNIPPET: nodesAndProps
URI relationshipUri = addRelationship( firstNode, secondNode, "singer",
"{ \"from\" : \"1976\", \"until\" : \"1986\" }" );
// END SNIPPET: addRel
// START SNIPPET: addMetaToRel
addMetadataToProperty( relationshipUri, "stars", "5" );
// END SNIPPET: addMetaToRel
// START SNIPPET: queryForSingers
findSingersInBands( firstNode );
// END SNIPPET: queryForSingers
private static void findSingersInBands( URI startNode )
throws URISyntaxException
// START SNIPPET: traversalDesc
// TraversalDescription turns into JSON to send to the Server
TraversalDescription t = new TraversalDescription();
t.setOrder( TraversalDescription.DEPTH_FIRST );
t.setUniqueness( TraversalDescription.NODE );
t.setMaxDepth( 10 );
t.setReturnFilter( TraversalDescription.ALL );
t.setRelationships( new Relationship( "singer", Relationship.OUT ) );
// END SNIPPET: traversalDesc
// START SNIPPET: traverse
URI traverserUri = new URI( startNode.toString() + "/traverse/node" );
WebResource resource = Client.create()
.resource( traverserUri );
String jsonTraverserPayload = t.toJson();
ClientResponse response = resource.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.entity( jsonTraverserPayload )
.post( ClientResponse.class );
System.out.println( String.format(
"POST [%s] to [%s], status code [%d], returned data: "
+ System.getProperty( "line.separator" ) + "%s",
jsonTraverserPayload, traverserUri, response.getStatus(),
response.getEntity( String.class ) ) );
// END SNIPPET: traverse
// START SNIPPET: insideAddMetaToProp
private static void addMetadataToProperty( URI relationshipUri,
String name, String v
补充:软件开发 , Java ,