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Grizzly 1.7.0 terminology java Nio 框架

Grizzly 1.7.0 Terminology
Grizzly 1.7.0 - Transport layer Details.
I've been working on integrating Grizzly transport into Glassfish ORB
for  quite  some  time  now.  Long  since  we  were  looking  for  ways  and
means  to  improve  performance  of  CORBA  request  processing  at  the
transport  level  in  both  Glassfish  and  JDK.  That  included  connection
management,  parsing  the  messages,  encoding  and  decoding
messages  etc.  When  we  looked  at  current  implementations  in  the
open sourced field, we could not retrofit our requirements (from IIOP)
into  the  existing  frameworks.  On  top  of  this,  we  wanted  a
performance  centric  I/O  framework.  That  brought  up a  new  project
called Grizzly with submodule framework using java.nio.
Here is a brief definition of Grizzly terminology:
A filter is a component when placed in stream filters the stream. The
interface tied to this is ProtocolFilter which has 2 methods execute()
and  postExecute()  The  filter  can  also  be  transformed  into  various
forms  based  on  the  needs  of  the  Grizzly  framework  user.  For
example, ParserProtocolFilter is designated to read certain number of
available  bytes  from  a  given  stream  and  then  use  a given  parser
implementation object to parse the read byte buffers.
A  context  is  a  place  holder  object  to  tell  about  the  current  state  of  event
processing  in  Grizzly  framework.  Context  gets  to  life  at  the  beginning  of
selection  cycle  and  ends  in  the  callback  handlers. Context  has  something
called  recycle()  to  recycle  the  state  full  information.  All  this  happens  in
another interesting and important class called Controller.
Controller and Event Handling:
补充:软件开发 , Java ,
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