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Vaadin Web应用开发教程(20):UI组件-MenuBar组件


MenuBar 用来创建下拉菜单,类似桌面应用的菜单显示。

// Create a menu bar  
final MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar(); 

// Create a menu bar
final MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar();
然后通过addItem 为最上一级菜单添加菜单项,addItem 参数为String,一个图标资源,一个Command 对象(用户点击菜单项后所执行命令)。 icon 和command 可以为空。
Command对象为实现了MenuBar.Command 接口的对象,如:

// A feedback component  
final Label selection = new Label("-"); 
// Define a common menu command for all the menu items.  
MenuBar.Command mycommand = new MenuBar.Command() { 
    public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) { 
        selection.setValue("Ordered a " + 
                           selectedItem.getText() + 
                           " from menu."); 

// A feedback component
final Label selection = new Label("-");

// Define a common menu command for all the menu items.
MenuBar.Command mycommand = new MenuBar.Command() {
    public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
        selection.setValue("Ordered a " +
                           selectedItem.getText() +
                           " from menu.");

 addItem() 方法返回一个MenuBar.MenuItem 对象,利用这个返回值,你可以参加子菜单。MenuItem 也有同样的addItem 方法。

// Put some items in the menu hierarchically  
MenuBar.MenuItem beverages = 
    menubar.addItem("Beverages", null, null); 
MenuBar.MenuItem hot_beverages = 
    beverages.addItem("Hot", null, null); 
hot_beverages.addItem("Tea", null, mycommand); 
hot_beverages.addItem("Coffee", null, mycommand); 
MenuBar.MenuItem cold_beverages = 
    beverages.addItem("Cold", null, null); 
cold_beverages.addItem("Milk", null, mycommand); 
// Another top-level item  
MenuBar.MenuItem snacks = 
    menubar.addItem("Snacks", null, null); 
snacks.addItem("Weisswurst", null, mycommand); 
snacks.addItem("Salami", null, mycommand); 
// Yet another top-level item  
MenuBar.MenuItem services = 
    menubar.addItem("Services", null, null); 
services.addItem("Car Service", null, mycommand); 

// Put some items in the menu hierarchically
MenuBar.MenuItem beverages =
    menubar.addItem("Beverages", null, null);
MenuBar.MenuItem hot_beverages =
    beverages.addItem("Hot", null, null);
hot_beverages.addItem("Tea", null, mycommand);
hot_beverages.addItem("Coffee", null, mycommand);
MenuBar.MenuItem cold_beverages =
    beverages.addItem("Cold", null, null);
cold_beverages.addItem("Milk", null, mycommand);

// Another top-level item
MenuBar.MenuItem snacks =
    menubar.addItem("Snacks", null, null);
snacks.addItem("Weisswurst", null, mycommand);
snacks.addItem("Salami", null, mycommand);

// Yet another top-level item
MenuBar.MenuItem services =
    menubar.addItem("Services", null, null);
services.addItem("Car Service", null, mycommand);



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