oracle11gr2安装hard limit错误解决
oracle11gr2安装hard limit错误解决
1.hard limit错误
Hard Limit: maximum open file descriptors -
This is a prerequisite condition to test
whether the hard limit for "maximum open file descriptors" is set to at least 65536.
Expected Value
Actual Value
PRVF-4354 : Proper hard limit for resource "maximum open file descriptors" not found
on node "wwwdb3" [Expected = "65536" ; Found = "4096"] ?- Cause:?
Hard limit for the resource does not meet the requirement on the specified node.
?- Action:? Modify the resource limits to meet the requirement.
修改.profile文件 将ulimit -n 65536 并且这个设置只能在首次登陆时指定 之后的修改只能够减少 不能够增加
bash中 配置文件是.profile 重载使用. .profile
csh中 配置文件是.cshrc 重载使用source .cshrc