Python中的Doc String 函数描述
>>> def testfun(): """ this function do nothing , just demostrate the use of the doc string . """ pass >>> testfun.__doc__ '\nthis function do nothing , just demostrate the use of the doc string .\n' >>> #pass 语句是空语句,什么也不干,就像C语言中的{} , 通过显示__doc__,我们可以查看一些内部函数的帮助信息 >>> " ".join.__doc__ 'S.join(iterable) -> str\n\nReturn a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the\niterable. The separator between elements is S.' >>> >>> def testfun(): """ this function do nothing , just demostrate the use of the doc string . """ pass >>> testfun.__doc__ '\nthis function do nothing , just demostrate the use of the doc string .\n' >>> #pass 语句是空语句,什么也不干,就像C语言中的{} , 通过显示__doc__,我们可以查看一些内部函数的帮助信息 >>> " ".join.__doc__ 'S.join(iterable) -> str\n\nReturn a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the\niterable. The separator between elements is S.' >>>
补充:Web开发 , Python ,