Oracle之创建表与修改表详解Oracle中表有、标准表、索引表、簇表、分区表。现在主要介绍标准表的创建和修改内容。其他表的创建以及使用会放到其他章节中。第一部分创建表:一)创建表Create table [schema.]table_name (Column_name date_type [default expression]constraint;Eg:create table scott.mybook(bookid number(10) not null quiue,bookname varchar2(40),author varchar2(40),press varchar2(40),bookprice number(4,2),presstime date,constraint book1_pk primary key(bookid))二)查看表:通过describe查看表的概述信息,如果查看表中每个列的信息可以通过查看user_tab_columns这个视图进行检索相关内容。Eg:SQL> describe user_tab_columns;Name Type Nullable Default Comments-------------------- ------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Table, view or cluster nameCOLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Column nameDATA_TYPE VARCHAR2(106)Y Datatype of thecolumnDATA_TYPE_MOD VARCHAR2(3) Y Datatype modifier of thecolumnDATA_TYPE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Y Owner of the datatype of thecolumnDATA_LENGTH NUMBER Length of the column inbytesDATA_PRECISION NUMBER Y Length: decimal digits (NUMBER)or binary digits (FLOAT)DATA_SCALE NUMBER Y Digits to right of decimal point in anumberNULLABLE VARCHAR2(1) Y Does column allow NULLvalues?COLUMN_ID NUMBER Y Sequence number of the columnas createdDEFAULT_LENGTH NUMBER Y Length of default value for thecolumnDATA_DEFAULT LONG Y Default value for thecolumnNUM_DISTINCT NUMBER Y The number of distinct valuesin the columnLOW_VALUE RAW(32) Y The low value in thecolumnHIGH_VALUE RAW(32) Y The high value in thecolumnDENSITY NUMBER Y The density of the columnNUM_NULLS NUMBER Y The number of nulls in thecolumnNUM_BUCKETS NUMBER Y The number of buckets inhistogram for the columnLAST_ANALYZED DATE Y The date of the most recenttime this column was 易做图yzedSAMPLE_SIZE NUMBER Y The sample size used in易做图yzing this columnCHARACTER_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(44) Y上一个:Oracle备份与恢复基础篇
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