一 介绍:
for all statement ::=
bounds_clause ::=
==sql_statement:静态语句,例如:UPDATE或者DELETE;或者动态(EXECUTE IMMEDIATE)DML语句。
==SAVE EXCEPTIONS:可选关键字,表示即使一些DML语句失败,直到FORALL loop执行完毕才抛出异常。可以使用SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS 查看异常信息。
==lower_bound .. upper_bound:数字表达式,来指定一组连续有效的索引数字。该表达式只需解析一次。
==INDICES OF collection_name:用于指向稀疏数组的实际下标
==VALUES OF index_collection_name:用于指向集合的一个子集的下标数组
1、循环中声明删除语句(Issuing DELETE Statements in a Loop
[sql] CREATE TABLE employees_temp AS SELECT * FROM employees; [sql] DECLARE TYPE NumList IS VARRAY(20) OF NUMBER; depts NumList := NumList(10, 30, 70); -- department numbers BEGIN FORALL i IN depts.FIRST..depts.LAST DELETE FROM employees_temp WHERE department_id = depts(i); COMMIT; END; /
2、循环中声明插入语句(Issuing INSERT Statements in a Loop)
[sql] CREATE TABLE parts1 (pnum INTEGER, pname VARCHAR2(15)); CREATE TABLE parts2 (pnum INTEGER, pname VARCHAR2(15)); [sql] DECLARE TYPE NumTab IS TABLE OF parts1.pnum%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; TYPE NameTab IS TABLE OF parts1.pname%TYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; pnums NumTab; pnames NameTab; iterations CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 50000; t1 INTEGER; t2 INTEGER; t3 INTEGER; BEGIN FOR j IN 1..iterations LOOP -- load index-by tables pnums(j) := j; pnames(j) := 'Part No. ' || TO_CHAR(j); END LOOP; t1 := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FOR i IN 1..iterations LOOP -- use FOR loop INSERT INTO parts1 VALUES (pnums(i), pnames(i)); END LOOP; t2 := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; FORALL i IN 1..iterations -- use FORALL statement INSERT INTO parts2 VALUES (pnums(i), pnames(i)); t3 := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Execution Time (secs)'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('---------------------'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('FOR loop: ' || TO_CHAR((t2 - t1)/100)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('FORALL: ' || TO_CHAR((t3 - t2)/100)); COMMIT; END; / FORALL要明显快于FOR..LOOP结构: [sql] Execution Time (secs) --------------------- FOR loop: 5.14 FORALL: .56
PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
3、集合部分元素使用FORALL(Using FORALL with Part of a Collection)
[sql] DROP TABLE employees_temp; [sql] CREATE TABLE employees_temp AS SELECT * FROM employees; [sql] DECLARE TYPE NumList IS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER; depts NumList := NumList(5,10,20,30,50,55,57,60,70,75); BEGIN FORALL j IN 4..7 -- use only part of varray DELETE FROM employees_temp WHERE department_id = depts(j); COMMIT; END; /
4、对非连续索引值使用FORALL(Using FORALL with Non-Consecutive Index Values)
[sql] -- Create empty tables to hold order details CREATE TABLE valid_orders (cust_name VARCHAR2(32), amount NUMBER(10,2)); CREATE TABLE big_orders AS SELECT * FROM valid_orders WHERE 1 = 0; CREATE TABLE rejected_orders AS SELECT * FROM valid_orders WHERE 1 = 0; [sql] DECLARE -- Make collections to hold a set of customer names and order amounts. SUBTYPE cust_name IS valid_orders.cust_name%TYPE; TYPE cust_typ IS TABLe OF cust_name; cust_tab cust_typ; SUBTYPE order_amount IS valid_orders.amount%TYPE; TYPE amount_typ IS TABLE OF NUMBER; amount_tab amount_typ; -- Make other collections to point into the CUST_TAB collection. TYPE index_pointer_t IS TABLE OF PLS_INTEGER; big_order_tab index_pointer_t := index_pointer_t(); rejected_order_tab index_pointer_t := index_pointer_t(); PROCEDURE setup_data IS BEGIN -- Set up sample order data, including some invalid orders and some 'big' orders. cust_tab := cust_typ('Company1','Company2','Company3','Company4','Company5'); amount_tab := amount_typ(5000.01, 0, 150.25, 4000.00, NULL); END; BEGIN setup_data(); --initialization DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('--- Original order data ---'); FOR i IN 1..cust_tab.LAST LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer #' || i || ', ' || cust_tab(i) || ': $' || amount_tab(i)); END LOOP; -- Delete invalid orders (where amount is null or 0). FOR i IN 1..cust_tab.LAST LOOP IF amount_tab(i) is null or amount_tab(i) = 0 THEN cust_tab.delete(i); amount_tab.delete(i); END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('--- Data with invalid orders deleted ---'); FOR i IN 1..cust_tab.LAST LOOP IF cust_tab.EXISTS(i) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer #' || i || ', ' || cust_tab(i) || ': $' || amount_tab(i)); END IF; END LOOP; -- Because the subscripts of the collections are not consecutive, use -- FORALL...INDICES OF to iterate through the actual subscripts, -- rather than 1..COUNT FORALL i IN INDICES OF cust_tab INSERT INTO valid_orders(cust_name, amount) VALUES(cust_tab(i), amount_tab(i)); -- Now process the order data differently -- Extract 2 subsets and store each subset in a different table setup_data(); -- Initialize the CUST_TAB and AMOUNT_TAB collections again. FOR i IN cust_tab.FIRST .. cust_tab.LAST LOOP IF amount_tab(i) IS NULL OR amount_tab(i) = 0 THEN rejected_order_tab.EXTEND; -- Add a new element to this collection -- Record the subscript from the original collection rejected_order_tab(rejected_order_tab.LAST) := i; END IF; IF amount_tab(i) > 2000 THEN big_order_tab.EXTEND; -- Add a new element to this collection -- Record the subscript from the original collection big_order_tab(big_order_tab.LAST) := i; END IF; END LOOP; -- Now it's easy to run one DML statement on one subset of elements, -- and another DML statement on a different subset. FORALL i IN VALUES OF rejected_order_tab INSERT INTO rejected_orders VALUES (cust_tab(i), amount_tab(i)); FORALL i IN VALUES OF big_order_tab INSERT INTO big_orders VALUES (cust_tab(i), amount_tab(i)); COMMIT; END; / [sql] --- Original order data --- Customer #1, Company1: $5000.01 Customer #2, Company2: $0 Customer #3, Company3: $150.25 Customer #4, Company4: $4000 Customer #5, Company5: $ --- Data with invalid orders deleted --- Customer #1, Company1: $5000.01 Customer #3, Company3: $150.25 Customer #4, Company4: $4000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed [sql] -- Verify that the correct order details were stored SELECT cust_name "Customer", amount "Valid order amount" FROM valid_orders; SELECT cust_name "Customer", amount "Big order amount" FROM big_orders; SELECT cust_name "Customer", amount "Rejected order amount" FROM rejected_orders;
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