select case
when a>100 then 30
when a>50 and a<=100 then 20
when a>0 and a<=50 then 10
when a=0 then 0
end as a,case
when b>10 then 30
when b>5 and b<=10 then 20
when b>0 and b<=5 then 10
when b=0 then 0
end as b,case
when c>3 then 30
when c>1 and c<=3 then 20
when c>0 and c<=1 then 10
when c=0 then 0
end as c
from score
select a,b,c,(aaa+bbb+ccc) as 总分 from
(select a,b,c,case
when a>100 then 30
when a>50 and a<=100 then 20
when a>0 and a<=50 then 10
when a=0 then 0
end as aaa,case
when b>10 then 30
when b>5 and b<=10 then 20
when b>0 and b<=5 then 10
when b=0 then 0
end as bbb,case
when c>3 then 30
when c>1 and c<=3 then 20
when c>0 and c<=1 then 10
when c=0 then 0
end as ccc
from score) as books