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asp 显示目录下载所有文件夹与文件

asp 显示目录下载所有文件夹与文件

Sub ShowAllFile(Path)
 Set F1SO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 if not F1SO.FolderExists(path) then exit sub
 Set f = F1SO.GetFolder(Path)
 Set fc2 = f.files
 For Each myfile in fc2
  If CheckExt(F1SO.GetExtensionName(path&""&myfile.name)) Then
   Call ScanFile(Path&Temp&""&myfile.name, "")
   SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
  End If
 Set fc = f.SubFolders
 For Each f1 in fc
  ShowAllFile path&""&f1.name
  SumFolders = SumFolders + 1
 Set F1SO = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ScanFile(FilePath, InFile)
 If InFile <> "" Then
  Infiles = "<font color=red>该文件被<a href=""http://"&Request.Servervariables("server_name")&"/"&tURLEncode(InFile)&""" target=_blank>"& InFile & "</a>文件包含执行</font>"
 End If
 Set FSO1s = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 on error resume next
 set ofile = FSO1s.OpenTextFile(FilePath)
 filetxt = Lcase(ofile.readall())
 If err Then Exit Sub end if
 if len(filetxt)>0 then
  filetxt = vbcrlf & filetxt
  temp = "<a href=""http://"&Request.Servervariables("server_name")&"/"&tURLEncode(replace(replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1),"","/"))&""" target=_blank>"&replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1)&"</a><br />"
    temp=temp&"<a href='javascript:FullForm("""&replace(replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1),"","")&""",""EditFile"")' class='am' title='编辑'>Edit</a> "
 temp=temp&"<a href='javascript:FullForm("""&replace(replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1),"","")&""",""DelFile"")'  onclick='return yesok()' class='am' title='删除'>Del</a > "
 temp=temp&"<a href='javascript:FullForm("""&replace(replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1),"","")&""",""CopyFile"")' class='am' title='复制'>Copy</a> "
 temp=temp&"<a href='javascript:FullForm("""&replace(replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1),"","")&""",""MoveFile"")' class='am' title='移动'>Move</a>" 
   If instr( filetxt, Lcase("WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase("clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8") ) then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell 或者 clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被ASP利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End if
   If instr( filetxt, Lcase("She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase("clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000") ) then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application 或者 clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被ASP利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   Set regEx = New RegExp
   regEx.IgnoreCase = True
   regEx.Global = True
   regEx.Pattern = "bLANGUAGEs*=s*[""]?s*(vbscript|jscript|javascript).encodeb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>(vbscript|jscript|javascript).Encode</td><td><font color=red>似乎脚本被加密了</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   regEx.Pattern = "bEv"&"alb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Ev"&"al</td><td>e"&"val()函数可以执行任意ASP代码<br>但是javascript代码中也可以使用,有可能是误报。"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   regEx.Pattern = "[^.]bExe"&"cuteb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Exec"&"ute</td><td><font color=red>e"&"xecute()函数可以执行任意ASP代码</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   regEx.Pattern = ".(Open|Create)TextFileb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.CreateTextFile|.OpenTextFile</td><td>使用了FSO的CreateTextFile|OpenTextFile读写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   regEx.Pattern = ".SaveToFileb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.SaveToFile</td><td>使用了Stream的SaveToFile函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
   regEx.Pattern = ".Saveb"
   If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Save</td><td>使用了XMLHTTP的Save函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
   End If
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "<!--s*#includes*files*=s*"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","")
   If Not CheckExt(FSO1s.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,""))&tFile, replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1) )
    SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "<!--s*#includes*virtuals*=s*"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","")
   If Not CheckExt(FSO1s.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Server.MapPath("")&""&tFile, replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1) )
    SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "Server.(Exec"&"ute|Transfer)([ t]*|()"".*"""
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","")
   If Not CheckExt(FSO1s.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
    Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,""))&tFile, replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1) )
    SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "Server.(Exec"&"ute|Transfer)([ t]*|()[^""])"
  If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
   Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Server.Exec"&"ute</td><td><font color=red>不能跟踪检查Server.e"&"xecute()函数执行的文件。</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
   Sun = Sun + 1
  End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set XregEx = New RegExp
  XregEx.IgnoreCase = True
  XregEx.Global = True
  XregEx.Pattern = "<scr"&"ipts*(.|n)*?runats*=s*""?server""?(.|n)*?>"
  Set XMatches = XregEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in XMatches
   tmpLake2 = Mid(Match.Value, 1, InStr(Match.Value, ">"))
   srcSeek = InStr(1, tmpLake2, "src", 1)
   If srcSeek > 0 Then
    srcSeek2 = instr(srcSeek, tmpLake2, "=")
    For i = 1 To 50
     tmp = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i, 1)
     If tmp <> " " and tmp <> chr(9) and tmp <> vbCrLf Then
      Exit For
     End If
    If tmp = """" Then
     tmpName = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i + 1, Instr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, """") - srcSeek2 - i - 1)
     If InStr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, " ") > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i, Instr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, " ") - srcSeek2 - i) Else tmpName = tmpLake2
     If InStr(tmpName, chr(9)) > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, chr(9)) - 1)
     If InStr(tmpName, vbCrLf) > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, vbcrlf) - 1)
     If InStr(tmpName, ">") > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, ">") - 1)
    End If
    Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,""))&tmpName , replace(FilePath,server.MapPath("")&"","",1,1,1))
    SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  regEx.Pattern = "CreateO"&"bject[ |t]*(.*)"
  Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
  For Each Match in Matches
   If Instr(Match.Value, "&") or Instr(Match.Value, "+") or Instr(Match.Value, """") = 0 or Instr(Match.Value, "(") <> InStrRev(Match.Value, "(") Then
    Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Creat"&"eObject</td><td>Crea"&"teObject函数使用了变形技术"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
    Sun = Sun + 1
    exit sub
   End If
  Set Matches = Nothing
  Set regEx = Nothing
 end if
 set ofile = nothing
 set FSO1s = nothing
End Sub

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