不用index monitor usage获得索引使用情况的脚本
不用index monitor usage获得索引使用情况的脚本
[sql] col c1 heading 'Object|Name' format a30 col c2 heading 'Operation' format a15 col c3 heading 'Option' format a15 col c4 heading 'Index|Usage|Count' format 999,999 break on c1 skip 2 break on c2 skip 2 select p.object_name c1, p.operation c2, p.options c3,count(1) c4 from dba_hist_sql_plan p, dba_hist_sqlstat s where p.object_owner <> 'SYS' and p.operation like '%INDEX%' and p.sql_id = s.sql_id group by p.object_name,p.operation, p.options order by 1,2,3;