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请问我用ASP做了个博客,数据库也有了,但总是出现 用户SA登录失败 是什么原因,

数据库有用户SA ,身份验证也没问题,密码也没问题,配置中的TCP/IP也起用了。。可以帮忙不?
追问:可以的话可以帮忙看看是什么问题不?你有装ASP sql就可以查看嗯,有这个 而且默认选master了,给你看的截图!就是连接不上数据库但我现在连管理员那个也进不去,在登录页面登录的时候就发生错误说 用户A登录失败,什么原因?
其他:要用ASP Servlet SQL做一个博客站点,会自动给每一个注册的用户都分配各自储存到数据库的啊,每个会员的数据都是分开来存放的,然后你访问哪个会员, Protection of his wife correspondent newspaper comic Liang Jinming 
 Chi Cao Si reporter asked 
 risk of experiencing a large master frail ginger in to see the reporter, feebly said such a sentence.  
 midnight, two masked thugs armed with knives broke into their home. Use of intimidation, tied, stabbed, and other means took away cash, mobile phones and other items. In order to protect the side of his wife, Ginger, thugs rushed head-master empty-handed.  
 responsible for the rescue of the doctors, and then half an hour later, ginger chef dangerous.  
 doorway of two masked bandits  
 Yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the Second Hospital of Ningbo. Master Jiang left lung gauze wrapped in a thick, oozing from the gauze can see faint traces of blood.  
 side of the strict aunt, said his wife care for fear that they are afraid now even back home.  
 she said, husband and wife are both 40 years old, in Jiangbei Zhuang do a plastic drawing plant, usually lived in the plant.  
 11 月 18 日 晚上 10 点 30 or so, the couple lived in the first floor were sleeping in the room without any sound.  
 sudden, Strict aunt and her husband were awakened suddenly , sat up.  
 the moonlight, they look at, and two men one fat one thin, are in 170 centimeters tall, 30 years old.  
 long, bright bass bass fruit knife .  
 couple come to understand that this is the two masked criminals burglary ah.  
 protect the wife,mbt scarpe, husband empty-handed Competing 
 two thugs burst into the bedroom without any explanation, the couple will be a knife to his neck, and threatened not allowed to speak.  
   period, they ripped off the telephone line, using tape comes bundled with the couple in bed.  
 see the couple did not resist, the two masked men off guard and started rummaging property. Soon, they found two bags, pulls out nearly 1,000 yuan in cash, two mobile phones.  
 property by criminals looking for the gap, the couple began quietly get rid of tape. Unfortunately, by masked men found that one of the masked men armed with a knife and striking towards the strict aunt.  
 At this point, the husband can get rid of ginger tape, in order to protect his wife, he rushed forward and fought against empty-handed.  
 fight,mbt calzature, Master Jiang left lung was punctured. When the thugs pulled out a fruit knife, ready to stab the second knife, the ginger chef endured pain and grabbed the blade.  
 take this opportunity to move out of the window strict aunt shouted  
 to save her husband, the wife Fanchuang call reinforcement 
 two thugs suddenly alarmed.  
 towed back to the strict aunt, the two took blankets, covers both husband and wife in the head.  
 Subsequently, the two criminals away the key, locked the door to escape. Before leaving, but also threw one sentence: Beside her husband looked at blood and strict aunt urgency.  
 take the main entrance, are locked; Zhuangmen, strength is not big enough. In desperation, she went to the window, taken the feet, turning security drill into the window,donna mbt, huddled the body, using the middle of the gap, forced drilled out.  
 criminals may also take into account the main entrance of waiting, she went around to the back, dark walk along the tracks.  
 quickly, Jiangbei Zhuang police station the police,mbt prezzi, the ginger master to save two homes.  
 Fortunately, the ginger's life is spared.   family guess: It may be an acquaintance of crime 
 ginger son Xiao Jiang told reporters that parents set up factories, and may offend some people work.  
   present, the police still under investigation.  
>> Police Weapon faced with a gangster how to save themselves 
 Yang Jiangbei Public Security Bureau officers told reporters that the couple's self-help way too risky.  
 said her analysis from the perspective of perpetrators, the initial subjective intent is to obtain property, the victims do not want to cause personal injury. So the face of criminals to be calm.  
 She said that once the burglary became reality, the most important thing is not to panic, to ensure the safety of the main ways to deal with the delay time.  
 have the chance to be shouted for help, the neighbors,uomo mbt, passers-by hear over relief, or took the opportunity to use items to fight back.  
 Yang, police said elbow is the most powerful parts of the body. Close enough to make good use of the elbow.  
 If a robber asks for your wallet or purse, do not pass him, but will be lost wallet or purse to go the distance. When criminals get property, is your chance to escape . 
   5 drunk men and women want to take a taxi with the film 's b
   Charge notes carry guns and killed by members of the basic rule out homicide
   Under 9 years shovel retired veteran of 78 sacks on the streets of small ads 

上一个:ASP.NET web.config中authorization的配置问题
下一个:ADODB.Connection '800a0e7a' 未找到提供程序。该程序可能未正确安装。\chuli.asp, line 6

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