△查询指定列(去掉重复行) select distinct deptno, job from emp; △名字必须大写 select deptno,job from emp where ename='SMITH'; △处理null值 使用nvl函数 select sal*13+nvl(comm,0)*13 "年工资",ename,comm from emp; △where条件中使用in select * from emp where empno in(123,456,879); △is null的使用 select ename from emp where mgr is null; △逻辑运算判断查询 select * from emp where (sal>500 or job='MANAGER') and ename like 'J%'; △按两个字段的查询并排序 select * from emp order by deptno,sal desc; △按照列的别名排序 select ename,sal+(nvl(comm,0))*12 "年薪" from emp order by "年薪"; △子查询 ——分组函数 max min avg sum count
select min(sal),max(sal) from emp; select ename,sal from emp where sal=(select mac(sal) from emp);
△分组函数group by having order by ——①三者顺序不能换②一定要有group by
*显示每个部门每种岗位的平均工资和最高工资 select avg(sal),max(sal),deptno,job from emp group by deptno,job;——注意:分组条件的顺序和前面列的顺序一定要相同
*显示平均工资低于2000的部门号和它的平均工资 select deptno ,avg(sal) ,max(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)<2000;
*如何显示某个员工的上机领导姓名——使用别名,将一张表当成两张表 select worker.ename,boss.ename from emp worker,emp boss where worker.mgr=boss.empno;
①单行子查询 *如何显示与SMITH同一部门的所有员工 select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='SMITH'); ②多行子查询——in *如何查询和部门10的工作相同的员工姓名、工资 select eanem,sal from emp where job in (select distinct job from emp where deptno=10); ③多行子查询使用all、any操作符 *如何显示工资比30号部门所有员工的雇员的姓名、工资 select ename,sal from emp where sal> all (select sal from emp where deptno=30); ④多列子查询——返回多列 *如何查询于SMITH的部门和岗位完全想通的所有雇员 select ename from emp where (deptno,job)=(select deptno,job from emp where ename='SMITH');
1.先查出所有部门的平均工资 select deptno,avg(sal) a from emp group by deptno; 2.将1的结果当成一张子表(内嵌视图) 得出结果 select * from emp a2,(select deptno,avg(sal) a from emp group by deptno) a1 where a1.deptno=a2.deptno and a2.sal>a1.a;
1.先得到所有数据 select * from emp; 2.将1的结果当作内嵌视图 并得到伪列rn 然后提出第一个限定条件如:rn<10 select a1.*,rownum rn from (select * from emp) a1 where rownum<=10; 3.将2的结果当作内嵌视图 提出第二个限制条件 如rn>6 select * from (select a1.*,rownum rn from (select * from emp) a1 where rownum<=10) where rn>6;
create table mytable(id,sal,deptno) as select empno,sal,deptno from emp;
union all——取得并集