警告 3 -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework. It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework. ISEXP : warning : -6245: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework. It is recommended that the release include the .NET Framework.--------------------编程问答-------------------- http://support.installshield.com/kb/view.asp?articleid=Q107665
签名档: http://feiyun0112.cnblogs.com/ --------------------编程问答-------------------- 去装一个net framework吧。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 警告而已,你可以忽视的,当然你想解决你可以在你机子上装个.net Framework --------------------编程问答-------------------- 你的项目用到.net framework,但是你的安装程序没有包含.net framework。
补充:.NET技术 , C#