fluorinefx 的安全问题 请问如何消除这一安全问题?
发布在公网后fluorine.aspx输入地址就可以访问,即使删掉console.aspx,发布后往往希望隐藏或者通过认证授权让客户端程序代码访问而不是不让普通用户任意访问 fluorinefx flex .net --------------------编程问答-------------------- 发布在公网后fluorine.aspx输入地址就可以访问,即使删掉console.aspx,发布后往往希望隐藏或者通过认证授权让客户端程序代码访问而不是不让普通用户任意访问,通过高人点化阅读fluorinefx文档后恍然大悟。The service browser allows you to browse the:
services (from .NET assemblies and Web Service proxy assemblies) that are currently available in the local assembly cache
Only classes marked with FluorineFx.RemotingServiceAttribute are shown
To use the service browser:
Add the FluorineFx.ServiceBrowser assembly reference or copy to the bin folder
simply navigate to Fluorine.aspx (for example http://localhost/YourWebApplication/Fluorine.aspx)
Note There is no separate "Fluorine.aspx" file in your project directory.
Note The service browser works only if the FluorineFx.ServiceBrowser assembly can be located in the bin folder.
看看这个,我也遇到这个问题了,但是看了这个说明还是没明白怎么解决问题 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 英文不好 看不懂
补充:.NET技术 , ASP.NET