BingMap中如何accessed by scripting code
当我在我的WPF应用中加入WEBBRAOWSER然后放入了BINGMAP以后,我用了WebBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = Me来接受SCRIPT,可是却出现了下面的问题。。。请问该怎么解决呢???A QueryInte易做图ce call was made requesting the default IDispatch inte易做图ce of COM visible managed class 'Soil_Proj.WindowFarmSize'. However since this class does not have an explicit default inte易做图ce and derives from non COM visible class 'System.Windows.Window', the QueryInte易做图ce call will fail. This is done to prevent the non COM visible base class from being constrained by the COM versioning rules. --------------------编程问答-------------------- 顶一下先,顺便学习 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 看提示是要将'System.Windows.Window'的实例的COM visible 属性设为TRUE
补充:.NET技术 , VB.NET