先来说说这两个扩展符的各自用处吧,“#”是将宏字符串化(Stringification),“##”是将##左右两边的标签组合在一起(token pasting or token concatenation),下面从两个简单例子着手:
#define SSVAR(X,Y) const char X[]=#Y
SSVAR(InternetGatewayDevice, InternetGatewayDevice.);
上面这个例子实质是借用了#扩展符去实现名为InternetGatewayDevice的字符数组初始化,其等价代码(可以通过gcc –E展开获得)如下:
const char InternetGatewayDevice[]="InternetGatewayDevice.";
#define DEV_FILE_NAME "/dev/test_kft"
#define OPEN_FILE(fd, n) \
{ \
fd = open(DEV_FILE_NAME ##n, 0); \
if (fd < 0) \
{ \
printf("Open device error/n"); \
return 0; \
} \
OPEN_FILE(fd1, 1);
OPEN_FILE(fd2, 2);
{ fd1 = open(DEV_FILE_NAME1, 0); if (fd1 < 0) { printf("Open device error/n"); return 0; } };
{ fd2 = open(DEV_FILE_NAME2, 0); if (fd2 < 0) { printf("Open device error/n"); return 0; } };
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
#define foo 4
str(foo); //->”foo”
xstr(foo); //->xstr(4)->str(4)->”4”
为什么str(foo)与xstr(foo)展开之后会出现完全不同的结果呢?此处就涉及到宏展开的规则问题:在宏预扫描((macro prescan)阶段,宏参数首先会被替换,替换之后,再经过下次的扫描完成最后宏的展开(macro expand),OK,说到此,似乎str(foo)在预扫描阶段应该会变成str(4),但是GCC在宏预处理阶段,特意加上了一条排外规则,那就是若宏参数被用于字符串化或者与其它标签连接,则不会被替代!结果也就可想而知了。下面是摘抄的一段预处理规则:
Macro arguments are completely macro-expanded before they are substituted into a macro body, unless they are stringified or pasted with other tokens. After substitution, the en-tire macrobody, including the substituted arguments, is scanned again for macros to be expanded.
补充:软件开发 , C++ ,