wmi Win32_Process.Create 问题
using System;using System.Management;
// This sample demonstrates invoking
// a WMI method using an array of arguments.
public class InvokeMethod
public static void Main()
// Get the object on which the
// method will be invoked
ManagementClass processClass =
new ManagementClass("Win32_Process");
// Create an array containing all
// arguments for the method
object[] methodArgs =
{"notepad.exe", null, null, 0};
//Execute the method
object result =
"Create", methodArgs);
//Display results
"Creation of process returned: " + result);
Console.WriteLine("Process id: " + methodArgs[3]);
msdn的代码,可是执行创建notepad.exe进程,也没报错,返回result==3 (Insufficient Previleges)
--------------------编程问答-------------------- 关注 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 没问题啊 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 环境是2003 sp1 wmi已启动,会不会是那里设置有问题
--------------------编程问答-------------------- 简化WMI程序编写的开源类库(EasyWMI)
补充:.NET技术 , C#