关于ActiveSkin 4.3技术问题
请问各位大侠指点一下。。在vb.net中如何使用ActiveSkin进行界面设计?? 谢谢啦。。。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- .NET Window FormsClick "Tools->Customize Toolbox" menu item and check "ActiveSkin Control" from "ActiveSkin 4.3 Type Library" in COM objects tab. Now drop axSkin control into your form. You may right-click it to load the skin directly into its resources, or load it at runtime. All ActiveSkin's SkinForm-based skins and SkinFreeForm-based skins are fully supported and can be used just like with other platforms, but windowed controls are not supported currently:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Note - Windowed .NET controls cannot be skinned, so you may wish to turn off Skin.SkinClientArea property, to apply the skin only to non-client area (frame) of window.
详情参看ActiveSkin的Help文档,以及Samples里面的Demo。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 谢谢上面这位哥们啦。。
可以用中文不。。谢谢 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 很简单的,几年前用过
工具-自定义工具-在COM库里面把ActiveSkin Control添加上
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
编译运行就可以了 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 可添加的时候出现一个错误。。
该怎么解决啊 ?? --------------------编程问答-------------------- 还有一个这样的错误。。请各位大侠帮我指点一哈子!
--------------------编程问答-------------------- 还有一个错误。。也错各位大侠热指点一哈子。。。。!^O^。。。
--------------------编程问答-------------------- 不会,帮顶 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 很久以前在VB里用过,直接添加引用,拖过去就可以了,不过要用regsvr32注册一下,破解版的好象还有个文件要替换的,这个东西是收费的~
补充:.NET技术 , 组件/控件开发