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1 分布式事务所用到的两阶段提交协议 
首先,协调者在自身节点的日志中写入一条的日志记录,然后所有参与者发送消息prepare T,询问这些参与者(包括自身),是否能够提交这个事务; 
参与者在接受到这个prepare T 消息以后,会根据自身的情况,进行事务的预处理,如果参与者能够提交该事务,则会将日志写入磁盘,并返回给协调者一个ready T信息,同时自身进入预提交状态状态;如果不能提交该事务,则记录日志,并返回一个not commit T信息给协调者,同时撤销在自身上所做的数据库改动;参与者能够推迟发送响应的时间,但最终还是需要发送的。 
协调者会收集所有参与者的意见,如果收到参与者发来的not commit T信息,则标识着该事务不能提交,协调者会将Abort T 记录到日志中,并向所有参与者发送一个Abort T 信息,让所有参与者撤销在自身上所有的预操作。 
如果协调者收到所有参与者发来prepare T信息,那么协调者会将Commit T日志写入磁盘,并向所有参与者发送一个Commit T信息,提交该事务。若协调者迟迟未收到某个参与者发来的信息,则认为该参与者发送了一个VOTE_ABORT信息,从而取消该事务的执行。 
参与者接收到协调者发来的Abort T信息以后,参与者会终止提交,并将Abort T 记录到日志中;如果参与者收到的是Commit T信息,则会将事务进行提交,并写入记录一般情况下,两阶段提交机制都能较好的运行,当在事务进行过程中,有参与者宕机时,他重启以后,可以通过询问其他参与者或者协调者,从而知道这个事务到底提交了没有。当然,这一切的前提都是各个参与者在进行每一步操作时,都会事先写入日志。 
唯一一个两阶段提交不能解决的困境是:当协调者在发出commit T消息后宕机了,而唯一收到这条命令的一个参与者也宕机了,这个时候这个事务就处于一个未知的状态,没有人知道这个事务到底是提交了还是未提交,从而需要数据库管理员的介入,防止数据库进入一个不一致的状态。当然,如果有一个前提是:所有节点或者网络的异常最终都会恢复,那么这个问题就不存在了,协调者和参与者最终会重启,其他节点最终也会收到commit T的信息。 
2.1. 不要使2PC时间过长,因为有2PC存在的话vacuum不能回收垃圾空间(这个我在之前的博客也有写到,哪怕是begin;开着不放都不行)。 
2.2. 2PC时间过长还可能造成强制数据库SHUTDOWN,如 transaction ID wraparound. 
2.3. 2PC时间过长也可能带来锁时间过长的问题。 
2.4. 因此没必要的话建议不要开启prepared transaction,由应用来实现2PC也是不错的选择。 
3 分布式事务到数据文件支持 
3.1 prepare transaction 
在 prepare transaction 的时候,在数据库的目录的 pg_twophase 文件夹生成state file,文件名为事务的XID.要生成state file的主要原因是,在这一过程中,已完成了资源的释放,把不能释放的记录下来,以便2 commit时候释放. 
3.2 commit prepared 
把state file读出来解析,接着释放资源,之后就是记录日志,并把state file删除. 
3.3 总结fxdb_twophase的作用 
当在prepare transaction成功,之后系统挂掉,这时state file已创建成功,保留在硬盘上,当系统重启后,会根据日志和state file重构XA事物,在系统启动完成后,可以接着 commit prepared 或 rollback prepared 这个事物。 
* Two Phase Commit shared state.  Access to this struct is protected 
* by TwoPhaseStateLock. 
typedef struct TwoPhaseStateData 
/* Head of linked list of free GlobalTransactionData structs */ 
GlobalTransaction freeGXacts; 
/* Number of valid prepXacts entries. */ 
int numPrepXacts; 
* There are max_prepared_xacts items in this array, but C wants a 
* fixed-size array. 
GlobalTransaction prepXacts[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */ 
} TwoPhaseStateData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCT */ 
typedef struct GlobalTransactionData 
PGPROC proc; /* dummy proc */ 
BackendId dummyBackendId; /* similar to backend id for backends */ 
TimestampTz prepared_at; /* time of preparation */ 
XLogRecPtr prepare_lsn; /* XLOG offset of prepare record */ 
Oid owner; /* ID of user that executed the xact */ 
TransactionId locking_xid; /* top-level XID of backend working on xact */ 
bool valid; /* TRUE if fully prepared */ 
char gid[GIDSIZE]; /* The GID assigned to the prepared xact */ 
TransactionId xid; 
typedef struct TwoPhaseFileHeader 
uint32 magic; /* format identifier */ 
uint32 total_len; /* actual file length */ 
TransactionId xid; /* original transaction XID */ 
Oid database; /* OID of database it was in */ 
TimestampTz prepared_at; /* time of preparation */ 
Oid owner; /* user running the transaction */ 
int32 nsubxacts; /* number of following subxact XIDs */ 
int32 ncommitrels; /* number of delete-on-commit rels */ 
int32 nabortrels; /* number of delete-on-abort rels */ 
int32 ninvalmsgs; /* number of cache invalidation messages */ 
bool initfileinval; /* does relcache init file need invalidation? */ 
char gid[GIDSIZE]; /* GID for transaction */ 
} TwoPhaseFileHeader; 
static THREAD_LOCAL TwoPhaseStateData *TwoPhaseState; 
4 分布式事务创建 
4.1 Where the transcation id is come from? 
Each global transaction is associated with a global transaction 
identifier (GID). The client assigns a GID to a postgres transaction with the PREPARE TRANSACTION command. 
4.2 Where the transaction is stored in server? 
We keep all active global transactions in a shared memory array.When the PREPARE TRANSACTION command is issued, the GID is reserved for the transaction in the array. This is done before a WAL entry is made, because the reservation checks for duplicate GIDs and aborts the transaction if there already is a global transaction in prepared state with the same GID. 
4.3 global transaction has a dummy PGPROC 
A global transaction (gxact) also has a dummy PGPROC that is entered 
into the ProcArray array; this is what keeps the XID considered 
running by TransactionIdIsInProgress.  It is also convenient as a 
PGPROC to hook the gxact's locks to. 
5 分布式事务Commit 
recptr = XLogInsert(RM_XACT_ID, XLOG_XACT_ABORT_PREPARED, rdata); 
/* Always flush, since we're about to remove the 2PC state file */ 
* Mark the transaction aborted in clog.  This is not absolutely necessary 
* but we may as well do it while we are here. 
TransactionIdAbortTree(xid, nchildren, children); 
In order to
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