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public Iterator getTables(final String catalog, final String schema, String table) { 
     final StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); 
    try {        
        log.debug("getTables(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")"); 
        // Collect both Tables and Views from the 'ALL' data dicitonary tables.  
        // Note: This will potentally collect more tables that the jdbc meta data   
        Statement stmt = this.getConnection().createStatement(); 
        query.append("select  t.*,tc.comments as REMARKS from ( "); 
        query.append("select  table_name, owner, 'TABLE' from all_tables "); 
        if (schema != null || table != null) 
            query.append("where "); 
        if (schema != null) { 
            query.append("owner='" + schema + "' "); 
        if (table != null) { 
            if (schema != null) 
                query.append("and "); 
            query.append("table_name = '" + table + "' "); 
        query.append("union all "); 
        query.append("select view_name, owner, 'VIEW' from all_views "); 
        if (schema != null || table != null) 
            query.append("where "); 
        if (schema != null) { 
            query.append("owner='" + schema + "' "); 
        if (table != null) { 
            if (schema != null) 
                query.append("and "); 
            query.append("view_name = '" + table + "' "); 
        query.append(" )t "); 
        query.append(" ,USER_TAB_COMMENTS tc where t.table_name=tc.table_name "); 
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) 
            log.debug("getTables Query:" + query.toString()); 
        ResultSet tableRs = stmt.executeQuery(query.toString()); 
        return new ResultSetIterator(stmt, tableRs, getSQLExceptionConverter()) { 
            Map element = new HashMap(); 
            protected Object convertRow(ResultSet tableRs) throws SQLException { 
                element.put("TABLE_NAME", tableRs.getString(1)); 
                element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", tableRs.getString(2)); 
                element.put("TABLE_CAT", null); 
                element.put("TABLE_TYPE", tableRs.getString(3)); 
                element.put("REMARKS", tableRs.getString("REMARKS")); 
                return element;                  
            protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) { 
                // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if  
                // we get an exception  
                String databaseStructure = getDatabaseStructure( catalog, schema ); 
                throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e, 
                        "Could not get list of tables from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem. "+query.toString() 
                                + databaseStructure, null );                     
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
        // schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if we get an exception  
        String databaseStructure = getDa

补充:软件开发 , Java ,
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