ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpspawn3
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpspawn3
Applies to:
OracleServer- Enterprise Edition - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.
The database can not start up due to the following errors:
Errors in file …….trc:
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:fork failed with status: 12
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Not enough space
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpspawn3
This issue is mainly caused by lack of memory / swap. Checking the memory configuration on the server, we have found the following:
Total Physical Memory 38912 MB
Swap: Max Size 17664 MiB
So, RAM is 38 GB, SWAP space is only 17 GB
-We should increase the server swap space (paging space) . The general rule of thumb is that swap space should be:
1GB to 2GB 1.5 times RAM
> 2GB and <= 8GB 1 times RAM
> 8GB .75 times RAM
So in our case, the recommended swap space is @28 GB .
We can also try to increase physical memory, if possible.
We should also check the ulimits for Oracle user.:
memory - unlimited
data - unlimited
cpu - unlimited
stack - at least 32768
nofile - OS dependent
We should also check memory parameters in the pfile/spfile that add more load to the memory consumption on the server. In our issue, we found these settings which added more pressure to the memory:
-large db_keep_cache_size=14000m.
Total Physical Memory 8GB
Swap: 8GB
lsps –a
size 8GB used% 69%
h,使用smitty chps命令添加4GB交换空间,至此,客户端可以正常连接数据库