Annotation Processing Tool的使用
小白一枚,求指导~希望利用SQL Power Architect做二次开发,奈何一直没法顺利地把它导入Eclipse中。查找说明是需要首先用Annotation Processing Tool对网上下载到的代码进行处理,然后才能使用。
求教如何利用Annotation Processing Tool来处理网上下载的代码呢?感谢指导!~
All SQL Power Community Edition projects include valid Eclipse project configurations and Apache Ant build.xml scripts. After checking out the code for the first time, Eclipse will complain about some missing Java source files. These sources need to be generated by the Ant build using apt, the Annotation Processing Tool. Executing the default Ant target and then refreshing the Eclipse workspace should be enough to get the whole project to compile without any errors. java apt ant
补充:Java , Java相关