计算机操作系统实验指导实验一 进程管理
Turbo C或VC++均可。
Comand button :
C—create a new process
P--Process to CPU to execute
B--execute to block
W--process return to ready linklist
E –current process has been finished
Press C button to create process!
input cname: 1
Now creat a new process [1]:
Now ready linklist is: ->1
input cname:2
Now creat a new process [2]:
Now ready linklist is: ->2->1
input cname: 3
Now creat a new process [3]:
Now ready linklist is: ->3->2->1
input cname: 4
Now creat a new process [4]:
Now ready linklist is: ->4->3->2->1
Press P button to execute process!
input pname: 4
Now the process [4] want to poccess CPU:
The process [4] is executing in CPU now!
Now ready linklist is: ->3->2->1
input pname: 3
Now the process [4] want to poccess CPU:
There is a process unfinished,please wait for a moment!
Press B button to block current process!
Now the block linklist is: ->4
The process [4] want another device except CPU,
CPU can execute another process now.
Press P button to execute process!
input pname: 3
Now the process [3] want to poccess CPU:
The process [3] is executing in CPU now!
Now ready linklist is: ->2->1
Press E button to finish current process!
Now the process [3] has been finished,
CPU can execute another process!
Press W button to wake up process!
Input wname: 4
The process [4] want to return ready linklist
Now the ready linklist is: ->4->2->1
这个暂时还不会,想请大牛给我帮帮忙! --------------------编程问答-------------------- 真不明白你发到Java版算什么意思。。。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 我猜 可能是来散分的吧 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 进程的三态或者五态有表的,可以形象直观的了解它的过程 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 哥们,这是JAVA版吧,来散分么? --------------------编程问答--------------------
前辈帮忙实现吧。。。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 3.实验环境
Turbo C或VC++均可。
可以用Java吗 --------------------编程问答--------------------
最好用java,我现在就java学的还可以点。。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 这是Java版 啊 --------------------编程问答--------------------
补充:Java , Java SE