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答案:A VBS CLASS calendar
'VBScript 日历 组件
'    Mnth            日历月份
'    Yr            日历年份
'    FontSize        字体大小
'    Columns            月份显示列数
'    FontFace        字体样式    
'    FontColour        字体颜色
'    FillColour        星期背景颜色
'    BorderColour        边框颜色
'    BackgroundColour    日历背景颜色
'    FullYearLink        全年月份连接
'    MonthCal        月份表格
'    YearCal            年份表格
'    LoadMonthArray        私有方法
<Script LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showyearcal(link, year) {
if (link.indexOf('?') > 0)
    link = link + '&year=' + year
    link = link + '?year=' + year
calwin=window.open( link, 'calwin', '易做图=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes, width=680, height=480' )
if (typeof(calwin.focus) != "undefined") {
function changemonth(moveby) {
document.calform.calmonth.value = document.calform.calmonth.value - 0 + moveby;
function changeyear(moveby) {
document.calform.calyear.value = document.calform.calyear.value - 0 + moveby;
td.day {font-family:arial;font-size:8pt;color:black}

class calendar

    private M, Y, D, WeekNo, MonthArray, FSize, FFace, FColour, BorderCol, FillCol, BGCol, BigCol, SingleMonth, FYLink, Cols, cStyleSheet

    property let Mnth(Month)  
        if Month >= 1 and Month <= 12 then
            M = Month
        end if
    end property

    property let Yr(Year)    
        if Year > 1 and Year < 9999 then
            Y = Int(Year)
        end if
    end property
    property let FontSize(FS)
        if FS >= 1 and FS <= 7 then
            FSize = FS
        end if
    end property

    property let Columns(C)
        select case C
        case 1,2,3,4,6,12
            Cols = C
        case else
            Cols = 4
        end select
    end property

    property let FontFace(FF)    
        if FF <> "" then
            FFace = FF
        end if
    end property

    property let FontColour(FC)    
        if FC <> "" then
            FColour = FC
        end if
    end property

    property let FillColour(FC)    
        if FC <> "" then
            FillCol = FC
        end if
    end property

    property let BorderColour(BC)    
        if BC <> "" then
            BorderCol = BC
        end if        
    end property

    property let BackgroundColour(BGC)
        if BGC <> "" then
            BgCol = BGC
        end if
    end property
    property let FullYearLink(FYL) FYLink = FYL end property

    property let StyleSheet(SS) cStyleSheet = SS end property

  private Sub Class_Initialize
    Mnth = Month(Now)
        Yr = Year(Now)                      '给年份赋值
        FFace = "arial"                '给字体样式赋值
        FSize = 2                '给字体大小赋值
        FColour = "black"            '给字体颜色赋值
        BorderCol = "lightgrey"            '给边框颜色赋值
        FillCol = "#3399FF" &n


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