SQL> exec show_space('MY_OBJECTS', 'BISAL'); BEGIN show_space('MY_OBJECTS', 'BISAL'); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'SHOW_SPACE' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
grant execute on show_space to bisal,bisal还是无法执行。
SQL> create public synonym show_space for sys.show_space; Synonym created. SQL> grant execute on show_space to public ; Grant succeeded.
SQL> exec show_space('MY_OBJECTS', 'BISAL'); UNFORMATTED BLOCKS ..................... 0 FS1 BLOCKS (0-25) ...................... 0 FS2 BLOCKS (25-50) ..................... 0 FS3 BLOCKS (50-75) ..................... 18 FS4 BLOCKS (75-100)..................... 122 FULL BLOCKS ............................ 0 TOTAL BLOCKS............................ 256 TOTAL BYTES............................. 2,097,152 TOTAL MBYTES............................ 2 UNUSED BLOCKS........................... 104 UNUSED BYTES............................ 851,968 LAST USED EXT FILEID.................... 5 LAST USED EXT BLOCKID................... 137 LAST USED BLOCK......................... 24 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> exec show_space_assm('MY_OBJECTS', 'BISAL'); free space 0-25% Blocks:................0 free space 25-50% Blocks:...............0 free space 50-75% Blocks:...............18 free space 75-100% Blocks:..............122 Full Blocks:............................0 Unformatted blocks:.....................0 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
-- -------------------------------------------- -- Author : Tom Kyte -- Description : Displays free and unused space for the specified object. -- Call Syntax : EXEC Show_Space('Tablename'); -- Requirements : SET SERVEROUTPUT ON -- Last Modified: June 22, 2010 -- This enhance version has all the fixes for ASSM, LMT, partitions etc (Oracle version 10gr2 +) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set define off create or replace procedure show_space ( p_segname in varchar2, p_owner in varchar2 default user, p_type in varchar2 default 'TABLE', p_partition in varchar2 default NULL ) -- this procedure uses authid current user so it can query DBA_* -- views using privileges from a ROLE and so it can be installed -- once per database, instead of once per user that wanted to use it authid current_user as l_free_blks number; l_total_blocks number; l_total_bytes number; l_unused_blocks number; l_unused_bytes number; l_LastUsedExtFileId number; l_LastUsedExtBlockId number; l_LAST_USED_BLOCK number; l_segment_space_mgmt varchar2(255); l_unformatted_blocks number; l_unformatted_bytes number; l_fs1_blocks number; l_fs1_bytes number; l_fs2_blocks number; l_fs2_bytes number; l_fs3_blocks number; l_fs3_bytes number; l_fs4_blocks number; l_fs4_bytes number; l_full_blocks number; l_full_bytes number; -- inline procedure to print out numbers nicely formatted -- with a 易做图 label procedure p( p_label in varchar2, p_num in number ) is begin dbms_output.put_line( rpad(p_label,40,'.') || to_char(p_num,'999,999,999,999') ); end; begin -- this query is executed dynamically in order to allow this procedure -- to be created by a user who has access to DBA_SEGMENTS/TABLESPACES -- via a role as is customary. -- NOTE: at runtime, the invoker MUST have access to these two -- views! -- this query determines if the object is a ASSM object or not begin execute immediate 'select ts.segment_space_management from dba_segments seg, dba_tablespaces ts where seg.segment_name = :p_segname and (:p_partition is null or seg.partition_name = :p_partition) and seg.owner = :p_owner and seg.segment_type = :p_type and seg.tablespace_name = ts.tablespace_name' into l_segment_space_mgmt using p_segname, p_partition, p_partition, p_owner, p_type; exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line ( 'This must be a partitioned table, use p_partition => '); return; end; -- if the object is in an ASSM tablespace, we must use this API -- call to get space information, else we use the FREE_BLOCKS -- API for the user managed segments if l_segment_space_mgmt = 'AUTO' then dbms_space.space_usage ( p_owner, p_segname, p_type, l_unformatted_blocks, l_unformatted_bytes, l_fs1_blocks, l_fs1_bytes, l_fs2_blocks, l_fs2_bytes, l_fs3_blocks, l_fs3_bytes, l_fs4_blocks, l_fs4_bytes, l_full_blocks, l_full_bytes, p_partition); p( 'Unformatted Blocks ', l_unformatted_blocks ); p( 'FS1 Blocks (0-25) ', l_fs1_blocks ); p( 'FS2 Blocks (25-50) ', l_fs2_blocks ); p( 'FS3 Blocks (50-75) ', l_fs3_blocks ); p( 'FS4 Blocks (75-100)', l_fs4_blocks ); p( 'Full Blocks ', l_full_blocks ); else dbms_space.free_blocks( segment_owner => p_owner, segment_name => p_segname, segment_type => p_type, freelist_group_id => 0, free_blks => l_free_blks); p( 'Free Blocks', l_free_blks ); end if; -- and then the unused space API call to get the rest of the -- information dbms_space.unused_space ( segment_owner => p_owner, segment_name => p_segname, segment_type => p_type, partition_name => p_partition, total_blocks => l_total_blocks, total_bytes => l_total_bytes, unused_blocks => l_unused_blocks, unused_bytes => l_unused_bytes, LAST_USED_EXTENT_FILE_ID => l_LastUsedExtFileId, LAST_USED_EXTENT_BLOCK_ID => l_LastUsedExtBlockId, LAST_USED_BLOCK => l_LAST_USED_BLOCK ); p( 'Total Blocks', l_total_blocks ); p( 'Total Bytes', l_total_bytes ); p( 'Total MBytes', trunc(l_total_bytes/1024/1024) ); p( 'Unused Blocks', l_unused_blocks ); p( 'Unused Bytes', l_unused_bytes ); p( 'Last Used Ext FileId', l_LastUsedExtFileId ); p( 'Last Used Ext BlockId', l_LastUsedExtBlockId ); p( 'Last Used Block', l_LAST_USED_BLOCK ); end; / set define on create or replace procedure show_space_assm( p_segname in varchar2, p_owner in varchar2 default user, p_type in varchar2 default 'TABLE' ) as l_fs1_bytes number; l_fs2_bytes number; l_fs3_bytes number; l_fs4_bytes number; l_fs1_blocks number; l_fs2_blocks number; l_fs3_blocks number; l_fs4_blocks number; l_full_bytes number; l_full_blocks number; l_unformatted_bytes number; l_unformatted_blocks number; procedure p( p_label in varchar2, p_num in number ) is begin dbms_output.put_line( rpad(p_label,40,'.') ||p_num ); end; begin dbms_space.space_usage( segment_owne
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