一起写信给微软,要求VB6 IDE,和vb语言开源如何?
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Dear Bill Gates,
I'm asking you to do me a favor.
Can you put VB language & IDE to Open Source projects?
Because you & your Microsoft Company seems not like to enhance the VB6 any more.
Why not let the open source guys maintain the VB6.
If you change the VB6 to open source project,
you & your Microsoft will get the following benefits:
* Open source guys will enhance VB6 forever.
* VB6 will not lose the loyal users.
* VBScript will become an attractive open source language against Java, PHP, Ruby...
* ...
Thank you,
VB Fans
--------------------编程问答-------------------- 最终版,我先发了:
What is the subject of your comment or question?
I'm asking VB6 to open source.
Please provide a detailed description of your issue or question along with any error messages so we may assist you. Do not include any additional personal information when submitting this feedback.
Dear Microsoft,
I'm asking you to do me a favor.
Can you put VB language & IDE to Open Source projects?
Because you & your Microsoft Company seems not like to enhance the VB6 any more.
Why not let the open source guys maintain the VB6.
If you change the VB6 to open source project,
you & your Microsoft will get the following benefits:
* Open source guys will enhance VB6 forever.
* VB6 will not lose the loyal users.
* VBScript will become an attractive open source language against Java, PHP, Ruby...
* You can enlarge your open source Market.
* ...
Thank you,
VB Fans --------------------编程问答-------------------- 老早就有很多人易做图了.
相信这样windows平台开发上c#都不是vb的对手。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 哦 第三方有开源的啊,还不只一个。感觉最好的当属德国那个……就是文档是德文呢,怎么不汉化一下啊。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 楼上什么意思,小弟孤陋寡闻,VB原来有第三方的开源版本? --------------------编程问答-------------------- 我支持!希望开源后解决运行库这个累赘! --------------------编程问答--------------------
顶了,写信给微软,发爆他们的邮箱! --------------------编程问答-------------------- 写信给舒琪,叫她易做图可好? --------------------编程问答--------------------
敢想不敢做 --------------------编程问答--------------------
我也不知他说的是啥 --------------------编程问答-------------------- Omy疙瘩疙瘩疙瘩瘩瘩瘩瘩 --------------------编程问答-------------------- --------------------编程问答-------------------- 异想天开~~~~ --------------------编程问答-------------------- 微软网上说24小时能回复的,现在还没回复,可恶 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 不会有用的。微软是公司,它要么会自动做新版,要么就放弃。而且中国易做图部分用盗版,所以在微软眼里就是挣不到什么钱的垃圾地区 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 有人易做图了现在穿上衣服更出名,有些人一直穿着衣服大家都期盼她早点易做图
哎,人心难测啊 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 我们易做图很有钱的,我们易做图都买正版的。 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 易做图也有没钱的或省钱的,我们用的OFFICE就是盗版的, --------------------编程问答-------------------- http://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/main.html
还有好多啊 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 支持,如果开源后,肯定有高手编写出VB新版本,到时候是大大的福利,不用再去转.NET了 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 一群天真的小易做图孩 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 她早就易做图过了好不.......还用写信?
补充:VB , 非技术类