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vb把图片转换成 base64代码

vb把图片转换成 base64代码如下:

Private Sub Image_DblClick() 

CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path 
CommonDialog1.FileName = "" 
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Image files|*.jpg;" 
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "All Picture Files" 
If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then 
     Dim arrImageByte() As Byte 
     Dim bytBuf() As Byte 
     Dim fNum As Integer 
     Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset 
     Dim strPhotoPath As String 
     Dim FileInputData As String 
     Dim s As String 
     Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName) 
     strPhotoPath = CommonDialog1.FileName 
     ReDim arrImageByte(FileLen(strPhotoPath)) 
     fNum = FreeFile() 
     Open strPhotoPath For Binary As #fNum 
     Get #fNum, , arrImageByte 
     Close fNum 
     Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Binary As #1 
     FileInputData = String(LOF(1), 0) 
     Get #1, 1, FileInputData 
     Close #1 
     bytBuf = FileInputData 
     s = CryptoBase64.Encode(bytBuf) 
     Text8.Text = s 
End If 

vb把图片转换成 base64代码类文件: 

Option Explicit 
Private Const CLASS_EXCEPT_BASE As Long = &H8004E300 

Public Enum CryptoBase64ExceptEnum 
    cbxGetOSVersFailed = CLASS_EXCEPT_BASE 
End Enum 

Public Enum Base64FormatEnum 
    bfmtCrLF = 0 
End Enum 

Public Enum OSVersionEnum 
    osvWinXP = 501 
    osvWinVista = 600 
End Enum 

Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT As Long = 2 

    dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long 
    dwMajorVersion As Long 
    ' Operating System  Value 
    ' Windows 3.1   3 
    ' Windows 95    4 
    ' Windows 98    4 
    ' Windows Me    4 
    ' Windows NT 3.51  3 
    ' Windows NT 4.0   4 
    ' Windows 2000   5 
    ' Windows XP    5 
    ' Windows .Net Server 5 
    ' Windows 2003 Server 5 
    ' Windows 2003 R2 Server 5 
    ' Windows Vista   6 
    ' Windows 2008 Server 6 
    dwMinorVersion As Long 
    ' Operating System  Value 
    ' Windows 3.1   1 
    ' Windows 95    0 
    ' Windows 98    10 
    ' Windows Me    90 
    ' Windows NT 3.51  51 
    ' Windows NT 4.0   0 
    ' Windows 2000   0 
    ' Windows XP    1 
    ' Windows .Net Server 1 
    ' Windows 2003 Server 2 
    ' Windows 2003 R2 Server 2 
    ' Windows Vista   0 
    ' Windows 2008 Server 0 
    dwBuildNumber As Long 
    dwPlatformId As Long 
    szCSDVersion As String * 128 

    'Extended information (optional), i.e. OSVERSIONINFOEX: 
    wServicePackMajor As Integer 
    wServicePackMinor As Integer 
    wSuiteMask As Integer 
    wProductType As Byte 
    ' Operating System  Value 
    ' NT Workstation   1 
    ' NT Domain Controller 2 
    ' NT Server    3 
    wReserved As Byte 
End Type 

Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long 

Private Const CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 As Long = 1 
Private Const CRYPT_STRING_NOCR As Long = &H80000000 
Private Const CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF As Long = &H40000000 

Private Declare Function CryptBinaryToString Lib "Crypt32" Alias "CryptBinaryToStringW" _ 
(ByRef pbBinary As Byte, _ 
    ByVal cbBinary As Long, _ 
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ 
    ByVal pszString As Long, _ 
    ByRef pcchString As Long) As Long 

Private Declare Function CryptStringToBinary Lib "Crypt32" Alias "CryptStringToBinaryW" _ 
(ByVal pszString As Long, _ 
    ByVal cchString As Long, _ 
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ 
    ByVal pbBinary As Long, _ 
    ByRef pcbBinary As Long, _ 
    ByRef pdwSkip As Long, _ 
    ByRef pdwFlags As Long) As Long 

Private m_OSVersion As OSVersionEnum 
Private m_lngBase64Format As Long 
Public Property Get Base64Format() As Base64FormatEnum 
If m_lngBase64Format = 0 Then 
    Base64Format = bfmtCrLF 
ElseIf m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCR Then 
    Base64Format = bfmtLfOnly 
    Base64Format = bfmtNone 
End If 
End Property 
Public Property Let Base64Format(ByVal Format As Base64FormatEnum) 
If Format = bfmtLfOnly Then 
    If m_OSVersion < osvWinXP Then 
    Err.Raise cbxWinXPOrLaterReqd, "CryptoBase64.Base64Format", "This format is only supported in Windows XP/2003 and later" 
    m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCR 
    End If 
ElseIf Format = bfmtNone Then 
    If m_OSVersion < osvWinVista Then 
    Err.Raise cbxWinVistaOrLaterReqd, "CryptoBase64.Base64Format", "This format is only supported in Windows Vista/2008 and later" 
    m_lngBase64Format = CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF 
    End If 
    m_lngBase64Format = 0 
End If 
End Property 
Public Function Decode(ByRef Base64Buf As String) As Byte() 
Dim lngOutLen As Long 
Dim dwActualUsed As Long 
Dim bytBuf() As Byte 

' Determine output buffer length required. Note: 
' StrPtr(vbNullString) is just a way to get a null pointer, 
' even though we're really talking about a Byte array here. 
CryptStringToBinary StrPtr(Base64Buf), _ 
        Len(Base64Buf), _ 
        CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, _ 
        StrPtr(vbNullString), _ 
        lngOutLen, _ 
        0&, _ 

' Convert Base64 to binary. 
ReDim bytBuf(lngOutLen - 1) 

If CryptStringToBinary(StrPtr(Base64Buf), _ 
         Len(Base64Buf), _ 
         CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, _ 
         VarPtr(bytBuf(0)), _ 
         lngOutLen, _ 
         0&, _ 
         dwActualUsed) = 0 Then 
    Err.Raise cbxStringToBinaryFailed, "CryptoBase64.Decode", "CryptStringToBinary failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError) 
    Decode = bytBuf 
End If 

'Open App.Path & "\MyTestGif.gif" For Binary As #1 
'Put #1, 1, Decode 
'Close #1 

End Function 
Public Function Encode(ByRef BinaryBuf() As Byte) As String 
Dim bytBuf() As Byte 
Dim lngOutLen As Long 
Dim strBase64 As String 

'Determine Base64 output String length required. 
CryptBinaryToString BinaryBuf(0), _ 
        UBound(BinaryBuf) + 1, _ 
        CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 Or m_lngBase64Format, _ 
        StrPtr(vbNullString), _ 

'Convert binary to Base64. 
Encode = String(lngOutLen, 0) 

If CryptBinaryToString(BinaryBuf(0), _ 
         UBound(BinaryBuf) + 1, _ 
         CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 Or m_lngBase64Format, _ 
         StrPtr(Encode), _ 
         lngOutLen) = 0 Then 

    Err.Raise cbxBinaryToStringFailed, "CryptoBase64.Encode", "CryptBinaryToString failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError) 
    End If 
End Function 
Public Property Get OSVersion() As OSVersionEnum 
OSVersion = m_OSVersion 
End Property 
Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
Dim osvinfData As OSVERSIONINFO 

With osvinfData 
    .dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osvinfData) 
    .szCSDVersion = "" 

    If GetVersionEx(osvinfData) = 0 Then 
    Err.Raise cbxGetOSVersFailed, "CryptoBase64 Initialize", "GetVersionEx failed, error " & CStr(Err.LastDllError) 
    End If 

    If .dwPlatformId <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Then 
    Err.Raise cbxNotNT, "CryptoBase64 Initialize", "CryptoAPI is only available on NT-based OSs" 
    End If 

    m_OSVersion = .dwMajorVersion * 100 + .dwMinorVersion 
End With 

Base64Format = bfmtCrLF 
End Sub 
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