--------------------编程问答-------------------- --------------------编程问答-------------------- 还是出错了,不晓得怎么搞了 --------------------编程问答-------------------- 所有的API都不对,API是要认大小写的。DLL也不对,我的XPSp3不是wsock32.dll,而是ws2_32.dll,有点奇怪,你的什么系统?现在错误是没有了,但这段程序总是Ping不成功,连本机都Ping不成功,程序设计上有问题。但时间和地址是对的。
Option Explicit--------------------编程问答-------------------- 我的是server 2003
Private Const ws_version_reqd As Long = &H101
Private Const inaddr_none As Long = &HFFFFFFFF
Private Const max_wsadescription As Long = 256
Private Const max_wsasysstatus As Long = 128
Private Const ping_timeout As Long = 500
Private Type icmp_options
ttl As Byte
tos As Byte
plags As Byte
optionssize As Byte
optionsdata As Long
End Type
Private Type icmp_echo_reply
address As Long
status As Long
roundtriptime As Long
datasize As Long
datapointer As Long
data As String * 250
End Type
Private Type wsadata
wversion As Integer
whighversion As Integer
szdescription(0 To max_wsadescription) As Byte
szsystemstatus(0 To max_wsasysstatus) As Byte
wmaxsockets As Long
wmaxudpdg As Long
dwvendorinfo As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "ICMP.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "ICMP.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long) As Long
'Private Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "ICMP.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, ByRef DestinationAddress As IPAddr, ByRef RequestData As Any, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, ByRef RequestOptions As PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION, ByRef ReplyBuffer As Any, ByVal ReplySize As Long, ByVal Timeout As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "ICMP.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, ByRef DestinationAddress As String, ByRef RequestData As Any, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, ByRef RequestOptions As Long, ByRef ReplyBuffer As Any, ByVal ReplySize As Long, ByVal Timeout As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal wVersionRequired As Integer, ByRef lpWSAData As wsadata) As Long
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "ws2_32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function gethostname Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal name As String, ByVal namelen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub gethostbyname Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal name As String)
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal cp As String) As Long
'Private Declare Function icmpcreatefile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long
'Private Declare Function icmpclosehandle Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal icmphandle As Long) As Long
'Private Declare Function icmpsendecho Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal icmphandle As Long, ByVal destinationaddress As Long, ByVal requestdata As String, ByVal requestsize As Long, ByVal requestoptions As Long, replybuffer As icmp_echo_reply, ByVal replysize As Long, ByVal timeout As Long) As Long
'Private Declare Function wsastartup Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal wversionrequired As Long, lpwsadata As wsadata) As Long
'Private Declare Function wsacleanup Lib "ws2_32.dll" () As Long
'Private Declare Function gethostname Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal szhost As String, ByVal dwhostlen As Long) As Long
'Private Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal szhost As String) As Long
'Private Declare Sub conpymenory Lib "kernel32" Alias "relmovememory" (xdest As Any, xsource As Any, ByVal nbytes As Long)
'Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal s As String) As Long
Private Sub command1_click() 'ping网络计算机
Dim echo As icmp_echo_reply
Dim pos As Long
Dim wsad As wsadata
Dim aa As Boolean
Dim mystr As String
aa = WSAStartup(ws_version_reqd, wsad) = 0
If aa Then
Dim hport As Long
mystr = inet_addr(Text1.Text)
If mystr <> inaddr_none Then
hport = IcmpCreateFile()
If hport Then
Call IcmpSendEcho(hport, StrPtr(mystr), Text2.Text, Len(Text2.Text), 0, echo, Len(echo), ping_timeout) '发送回响请求报文,返易做图响应答报文
Call IcmpCloseHandle(hport)
End If
If echo.status = 0 Then Label4(0).Caption = "ping 成功" Else Label4(0).Caption = "ping 失败"
Label4(1).Caption = echo.address
Label4(2).Caption = echo.roundtriptime & "ms" '显示网络连接延迟时间
Label4(3).Caption = echo.datasize & "bytes '显示数据包大小"
Label4(4).Caption = echo.datapointer
End If
End If
End Sub
补充:VB , 基础类