Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim s$
Dim i As Single, sng1 As Single
Dim j%
On Error resume next'当数据库主键字段v_no有重复的时忽略错误
For i = 1 To 10000000
s = ""
For j = 1 To 16'生成随机16位数
s = s & Mid("0123456789", Int(Rnd * 9) + 1, 1)
Me.Caption = i & " " & s: DoEvents
conn.Execute "INSERT INTO verify(v_no) VALUES('" & s & "')"
End Sub
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var obj = new GenDec16();
foreach (var item in obj)
class GenDec16 : IEnumerator, IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerable<string>
class Tree
public Tree(int Length)
node = new Node(0, Length);
Node node;
public string GenNewValue() { return node.GenNewValue(); }
public bool HasNewValue
return node.HasNewValue;
class Node
static Random rnd = new Random();
public Node(int id, int level)
ID = id;
Level = level;
HasNewValue = true;
if (level > 0) ChildNodes = new List<Node>();
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var obj = new GenDec16();
foreach (var item in obj)
class GenDec16 : IEnumerator, IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerable<string>
class Tree
public Tree(int Length)
node = new Node(0, Length);
Node node;
public string GenNewValue() { return node.GenNewValue(); }
public bool HasNewValue
return node.HasNewValue;
class Node
static Random rnd = new Random();
public Node(int id, int level)
ID = id;
Level = level;
HasNewValue = true;
if (level > 0) ChildNodes = new List<Node>();
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim D(99999999) As String, I As Long, Temp As String, J As Long
Randomize Timer
For I = 0 To UBound(D)
Temp = Format(10000000 * Rnd, "00000000") & Format(I, "00000000")
For J = 1 To 8
D(I) = D(I) & Mid(Temp, J, 1) & Mid(Temp, J + 8, 1) '把序号穿插在里边,只要序列号的位置固定
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim D(99999999) As String, I As Long, Temp As String, J As Long
Randomize Timer
For I = 0 To UBound(D)
Temp = Format(10000000 * Rnd, "00000000") & Format(I, "00000000")
For J = 1 To 8
D(I) = D(I) & Mid(Temp, J, 1) & Mid(Temp, J + 8, 1) '把序号穿插在里边,只要序列号的位置固定
End Sub
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var obj = new GenDec16();
foreach (var item in obj)
class GenDec16 : IEnumerator, IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerable<string>
class Tree
public Tree(int Length)
node = new Node(0, Length);
Node node;
public string GenNewValue() { return node.GenNewValue(); }
public bool HasNewValue
return node.HasNewValue;
class Node
static Random rnd = new Random();
public Node(int id, int level)
ID = id;
Level = level;
HasNewValue = true;
if (level > 0) ChildNodes = new List<Node>();
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Const TEXTBUFF As String = "0000000000000000"
Const ITEMSIZE As Long = 10000000
Const MULTIPLE As Long = 99999999 '用“8+8”
Dim strTextOut(ITEMSIZE - 1) As String
Dim strTemp$, i&
For i = 0 To TEXTBUFF - 1
strTemp = TEXTBUFF
Mid$(strTemp, 1) = Int(Rnd() * MULTIPLE)
Mid$(strTemp, 9) = Int(Rnd() * MULTIPLE)
strTextOut(i) = strTemp
End Sub
Creates a GUID, a unique 128-bit integer used for CLSIDs and inte易做图ce identifiers.
HRESULT CoCreateGuid(
GUID *pguid //Pointer to the GUID on return
[out] Pointer to the requested GUID on return.
Return Value
The GUID was successfully created.
Win32 errors are returned byUuidCreate but wrapped as an HRESULT.
The CoCreateGuid function calls the RPC function UuidCreate, which creates a GUID, a globally unique 128-bit integer. Use the CoCreateGuid function when you need an absolutely unique number that you will use as a persistent identifier in a distributed environment.To a very high degree of certainty, this function returns a unique value – no other invocation, on the same or any other system (networked or not), should return the same value.
Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in objbase.h.
Import Library: Included as a resource in ole32.dll.
See Also
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int d[6];
int i,n,a,b,t;
int c,j;
void main() {
printf("shuffle 0..n-1 demo\n");
for (n=1;n<=5;n++) {/* 测试1~5个元素 */
for (c=1;c<=n;c++) j=j*c;/* j为n! */
for (c=1;c<=j;c++) {/* 测试n*2*n!次 */
for (i=0;i<n;i++) d[i]=i;/* 填写0~n-1 */
for (i=n;i>0;i--) {/* 打乱0~n-1 */
if (a!=b) {t=d[a];d[a]=d[b];d[b]=t;}
for (i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d",d[i]);
printf("shuffle 1..n demo\n");
for (n=1;n<=5;n++) {/* 测试1~5个元素 */
for (c=1;c<=n;c++) j=j*c;/* j为n! */
for (c=1;c<=j;c++) {/* 测试n*2*n!次 */
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) d[i]=i;/* 填写1~n */
for (i=n;i>1;i--) {/* 打乱1~n */
if (a!=b) {t=d[a];d[a]=d[b];d[b]=t;}
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) printf("%d",d[i]);
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Const TEXTBUFF As String = "0000000000000000"
Const ITEMSIZE As Long = 10000000
Const VAL_BASE As Long = 12435
Const VAL_VOLA As Long = 99999 - VAL_BASE
Dim strTextOut(ITEMSIZE - 1) As String
Dim strTemp$, i&, iRnd&
Dim strDist$, p&
For i = 0 To ITEMSIZE - 1
strTemp = TEXTBUFF
iRnd = VAL_BASE + Rnd() * VAL_VOLA
Mid$(strTemp, 11) = iRnd
iRnd = ULongCycL(i Xor iRnd, iRnd)
strDist = iRnd
p = 10 - Len(strDist)
Mid$(strTemp, p + 1) = iRnd
Mid$(strTemp, 16) = (p + Mid$(strTemp, 12, 1)) Mod 10
If (p > 0) Then Mid$(strTemp, 1) = Left$(Int(Rnd() * VAL_VOLA), p)
strTextOut(i) = strTemp
'If (CLng(jiemi(strTemp)) <> i) Then MsgBox "解密出错!", vbExclamation
End Sub
Private Function ULongCycL(ByVal iValue As Long, ByVal iBitsN As Long) As Long
Dim iDivA&, iDivB&, iMASK&
If (iValue = 0) Then ULongCycL = 0: Exit Function
iBitsN = iBitsN Mod 31
If (iBitsN = 0) Then
ULongCycL = iValue: Exit Function
iDivA = 2 ^ iBitsN
iDivB = 2 ^ (31 - iBitsN)
iMASK = iDivB - 1
ULongCycL = (iValue And iMASK) * iDivA _
Or (iValue And &H7FFFFFFF) \ iDivB
End If
End Function
Private Function ULongCycR(ByVal iValue As Long, ByVal iBitsN As Long) As Long
Dim iDivA&, iDivB&, iMASK&
If (iValue = 0) Then ULongCycR = 0: Exit Function
iBitsN = iBitsN Mod 31
If (iBitsN = 0) Then
ULongCycR = iValue: Exit Function
iDivA = 2 ^ (31 - iBitsN)
iDivB = 2 ^ iBitsN
iMASK = iDivB - 1
ULongCycR = (iValue And iMASK) * iDivA _
Or (iValue And &H7FFFFFFF) \ iDivB
End If
End Function
Private Function jiemi(strEnText As String) As String
' 对生成的16位序列号“还原”原始序号
Dim p&, v&, strTemp$
p = (10 + (Mid$(strEnText, 16) - Mid$(strEnText, 12, 1))) Mod 10
v = Mid$(strEnText, 11, 5)
jiemi = ULongCycR(CLng(Mid$(strEnText, p + 1, 10 - p)), v) Xor v
End Function
Sub Main()
Const a As Long = 21 '乘法系数'
Const m As Long = 100000000 '模'
Const c As Long = 65519 '增量'
Dim r As Long '随机数'
Dim rLast As Long '前个随机数'
r = GetTickCount() '种子'
#If OUTPUT_MODE > 0 Then
Dim sCode As String
sCode = "00000000" & Format$(r, "00000000")
#End If
#If OUTPUT_MODE = 2 Then
Dim hFile As Integer
hFile = FreeFile()
Open App.Path & "\Code-16.csv" For Output Access Write As #hFile
#End If
Dim tc1 As Long
Dim tc2 As Long
Dim i As Long
tc1 = GetTickCount()
#If OUTPUT_MODE = 2 Then
For i = 0 To 1000000 '输出文件只测试100万个'
#ElseIf OUTPUT_MODE = 1 Then
For i = 0 To 10000000 '合成只测试1000万个'
For i = 0 To 100000000
#End If
rLast = r
r = (r * a + c) Mod m
#If OUTPUT_MODE > 0 Then
Mid$(sCode, 1, 8) = Mid$(sCode, 9, 8)
Mid$(sCode, 9, 8) = Format$(r, "00000000")
#End If
#If OUTPUT_MODE = 2 Then
'Print #hFile, Format$(rLast, "00000000"); Format$(r, "00000000")
Print #hFile, sCode
#End If
tc2 = GetTickCount()
#If OUTPUT_MODE = 2 Then
Close #hFile
#End If
MsgBox (i - 1) & " 个用时 " & ((tc2 - tc1) / 1000) & " 秒。"
End Sub
Inter CPU 2.33GHz 的机器上,exe 执行结果
模式0: 1亿个用时 1.063 秒。
模式1: 1千万个用时 13.703 秒。
模式2: 1百万个用时 2.984 秒。——这个和硬盘有关,意义不大。