Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)Dim pn As Integer, lai As Integer, qu As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim Gp(1 To 3) As Integer
Dim Zw As Integer
Dim huo As Integer
Dim t As Integer, bu As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then Zuo
If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then You
If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then Shang
If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then Xia
If KeyCode = vbKeyZ Then
If MsgBox("您选择了自动演示,由于本人水平有限,在自动演示时," & Chr(10) & "如果您进行其他操作,本程序将没有响应。" & Chr(10) & "是否继续?", _
vbYesNo, "路过de流星提示您") = vbYes Then zz n
End IfEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Do While (n < 1 Or n > 10)
n = Int(Val(InputBox("请输入圆盘的个数!(1-10个)", "路过de流星提示您")))
Timer1.Enabled = True
Form1.Height = (6 + n) * 400
Form1.Width = (200 + n * 300) * 3 + 200
If Form1.Width < 5000 Then Form1.Width = 5000
Form1.KeyPreview = True
Line1(1).X1 = (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(1).X2 = (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(2).X1 = 3 * (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(2).X2 = 3 * (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(3).X1 = 5 * (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(3).X2 = 5 * (Form1.Width - 200) / 6 + 100
Line1(1).Y1 = Form1.Height
Line1(2).Y1 = Form1.Height
Line1(3).Y1 = Form1.Height
Shape1.Width = Form1.Width
Shape1.Left = -10
Shape1.Top = Form1.Height - 900
For i = 1 To n
Load pan(i)
pan(i).Visible = True
pan(i).Width = 200 + i * 300
pan(i).Left = Line1(1).X1 - pan(i).Width / 2
pan(i).Top = Form1.Height - 900 - (n - i + 1) * 400
Next i
Gp(1) = n
Zw = 1
Zhiz Zw
shijian.Left = Line1(1).X1 - shijian.Width / 2
shijian.Top = Form1.Height - 850
bushu.Left = Line1(2).X1 - bushu.Width / 2
bushu.Top = Form1.Height - 850
mingzi.Left = Line1(3).X1 - mingzi.Width / 2
mingzi.Top = Form1.Height - 800
End Sub'指针位置
Sub Zhiz(n As Integer)
zhizhen.Left = Line1(n).X1 - 250
End Sub'每根柱子上的盘字数
Sub Jishu()
Gp(1) = 0: Gp(2) = 0: Gp(3) = 0
For i = 1 To n
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) = Line1(1).X1 Then Gp(1) = Gp(1) + 1
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) = Line1(2).X1 Then Gp(2) = Gp(2) + 1
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) = Line1(3).X1 Then Gp(3) = Gp(3) + 1
Next i
End Sub'按左键
Sub Zuo()
Zw = Zw - 1
If Zw = 0 Then Zw = 3
Zhiz Zw
If huo Then
pan(huo).Left = Line1(Zw).X1 - pan(huo).Width / 2
End If
bu = bu + 1
bushu.Caption = "移动" & bu & "步"
End Sub
'按右键Sub You()
Zw = Zw + 1
If Zw = 4 Then Zw = 1
Zhiz Zw
If huo Then
pan(huo).Left = Line1(Zw).X1 - pan(huo).Width / 2
End If
Jishubu = bu + 1
bushu.Caption = "移动" & bu & "步"
End Sub'按上键
Sub Shang()
For i = 1 To n
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) = Line1(Zw).X1 Then
huo = i
pan(i).Top = 850
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End Sub'按下键
Sub Xia()
If huo Then
If huo > 1 Then
For i = huo - 1 To 1 Step -1
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) = pan(huo).Left + pan(huo).Width / 2 Then Exit Sub
Next i
End If
pan(huo).Top = Form1.Height - 900 - Gp(Zw) * 400
huo = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub Sheng()
Dim p As Integer
If Zw = 3 Then
p = 1
For i = 1 To n
If (pan(i).Left + pan(i).Width / 2) <> Line1(3).X1 Then p = 0
Next i
End If
If p Then
MsgBox "恭喜你,赢得胜利!", , "路过de流星提示您"
Form1.KeyPreview = False
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub Zidong(ge As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer)
Form1.KeyPreview = False
If ge = 1 Then
Yi a, c
Zidong (n - 1), a, c, b
Yi a, c
Zidong (n - 1), b, a, c
End If
End Sub'移动
Sub Yi(x As Integer, y As Integer