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VBScript 实现 LD 算法

 LD算法(Levenshtein Distance)又成为编辑距离算法(Edit Distance)。他是以字符串A通过插入字符、删除字符、替换字符变成另一个字符串B,那么操作的过程的次数表示两个字符串的差异。
'   A   t   e   s   t
' B 0   1   2   3   4
' e 1   1   1   2   3
' s 2   2   2   1   2
' t 3   2   3   2   1

Wscript.Echo GetLevenshteinDistince("test", "est")

' Copyright (c) enun-net. All rights reserved.
' ScriptName: GetStrLD.vbs
' Creation Date: 10/11/2013
' Last Modified: 10/11/2013
' Author: 0x22e09
' Homepage: www.enun.net
' E-mail: 0x22e09@sina.com
' Description: Levenshtein Distance.

Function GetLevenshteinDistince(str1, str2)
	Dim x, y, A, B, C, K
	Dim Matrix()
	ReDim Matrix(Len(str2), Len(str1))
	For x = 0 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
		Matrix(x, 0) = x
	For y = 0 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
		Matrix(0, y) = y

	For x = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
		For y = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
			If (Mid(str1, Matrix(0, y), 1) = Mid(str2, Matrix(x, 0), 1)) Then
				C = Matrix(x -1 ,y - 1)
				C = Matrix(x -1 ,y - 1) + 1
			End If
			A = Matrix(x - 1, y) + 1
			B = Matrix(x, y - 1) + 1
			If (A =< B and A =< C) Then Matrix(x, y) = A
			If (B =< C and B =< A) Then Matrix(x, y) = B
			If (C =< A and C =< B) Then Matrix(x, y) = C
	'计算 LD 值
	If (Len(str1) > Len(str2)) Then
		K = Len(str1)
		K = Len(str2)
	End If

	GetLevenshteinDistince = FormatNumber(1 - (Matrix(Len(str2), Len(str1)) / K), 3, True)
End Function


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