VB Ping 遇到点问题
Option ExplicitDim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If ValuesFaild = True Then
Command1.Enabled = False
Command3.Enabled = True
Text1.Enabled = False
Text2.Enabled = False
Text3.Enabled = False
Graphic.ScaleHeight = Val(Text3)
SetIp Text1
Label1(0).Caption = Text3
Timer1.Interval = Text2
Timer1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Label4(0).Caption = 0
Label4(1).Caption = Text3
Graphic.Width = GrapHolder.ScaleWidth
Scroll.Value = 0
Scroll.Max = 0
X1 = 0
Y1 = Graphic.ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Command1.Enabled = True
Command3.Enabled = False
Text1.Enabled = True
Text2.Enabled = True
Text3.Enabled = True
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Scroll_Change()
Graphic.Left = -Scroll.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim Ret As PingReturn
Dim X2 As Long, Y2 As Long
Ret = Pinger(20, Val(Text3))
List1.AddItem Ret.Discriptionn
List1.ListIndex = List1.ListCount - 1
X2 = X1 + 2
Y2 = Graphic.ScaleHeight - Ret.Ping
If Ret.Errors = True And Check1.Value = 1 Then Exit Sub
If Label4(0).Caption < Ret.Ping Then Label4(0).Caption = Ret.Ping
If Label4(1).Caption > Ret.Ping Then Label4(1).Caption = Ret.Ping
Graphic.Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), vbRed
X1 = X2
Y1 = Y2
CalcFieldandScroll X1 + 4
End Sub
Function ValuesFaild() As Boolean
If Len(Text1) = 0 Then MsgBox "Can't start with out an ip adress!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error": Text1.SetFocus: Exit Function
If Len(Text2) = 0 Then MsgBox "Can't start with out an interval (Defuald : 1000)", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error": Text2.SetFocus: Exit Function
If IsNumeric(Text2) = False Then MsgBox "Can't start with out an falid interval (Defuald : 1000)", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error": Text2.SetFocus: Exit Function
If Len(Text3) = 0 Then MsgBox "Can't start with out an max ping value (Defuald : 1000)", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error": Text2.SetFocus: Exit Function
If IsNumeric(Text3) = False Then MsgBox "Can't start with out an falid max ping value (Defuald : 1000)", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error": Text2.SetFocus: Exit Function
ValuesFaild = True
End Function
Function CalcFieldandScroll(WidthNeed As Long)
Dim Ret As Boolean
If Scroll.Value + 20 > Scroll.Max Then Ret = True
If WidthNeed > Graphic.ScaleWidth Then
Graphic.Width = WidthNeed
Scroll.Max = Graphic.Width - GrapHolder.ScaleWidth
If Ret = True Then Scroll.Value = Scroll.Max
End If
End Function
SetIp Text1
Set Ip= Text1.text
还是没有引用什么东西哦?? --------------------编程问答-------------------- 没有人回???
补充:VB , 基础类