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Private Sub Map1_SelectBoxFinal(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxMapWinGIS._DMapEvents_SelectBoxFinalEvent) Handles Map1.SelectBoxFinal

Dim sf As MapWinGIS.Shapefile

Dim myExtents As New MapWinGIS.Extents()

Dim selectedShapes() As Integer

Dim i As Integer, hndl As Integer

Dim pxMin As Double, pxMax As Double, pyMin As Double, pyMax As Double, pzMin As Double, pzMax As Double

Dim col As System.Drawing.Color

'Check if the map is in selection mode

If Map1.CursorMode = MapWinGIS.tkCursorMode.cmSelection Then

'Get the handle of the layer at position 0

hndl = Map1.get_LayerHandle(0)

'Get the shapefile in the specified layer

sf = Map1.get_GetObject(hndl)

'Convert the boundaries of the selection box from pixel units to projected map coordinates

Map1.PixelToProj(e.left, e.bottom, pxMin, pyMin)

Map1.PixelToProj(e.right, e.top, pxMax, pyMax)

'Set the extents object to be used to find shapes that have been selected in the shapefile

myExtents.SetBounds(pxMin, pyMin, 0, pxMax, pyMax, 0)

'Check if there are any shapes with in the shapefile that intersect with the selection box

If sf.SelectShapes(myExtents, 0, MapWinGIS.SelectMode.INTERSECTION, selectedShapes) Then

'Get the System.Drawing.Color which is being used as the fill color for the shapes in the layer

col = Map1.get_ShapeLayerFillColor(hndl)

'Set all shapes in the shapefile back to their original color

Map1.set_ShapeLayerFillColor(hndl, System.Convert.ToUInt32(RGB(col.R, col.G, col.B)))

'For each of the selected shapes in the shapefile, color them differently than their original fill color

For i = 0 To UBound(selectedShapes)

Map1.set_ShapeFillColor(hndl, selectedShapes(i), System.Convert.ToUInt32(RGB(100, 100, 0)))


End If

End If

End Sub

我将这段代码转换为C#,Handles Map1.SelectBoxFinal这个在c#中应该怎么处理呢?
private void Map1_SelectBoxFinal(object sender, AxMapWinGIS._DMapEvents_SelectBoxFinalEvent e)

MapWinGIS.Shapefile sf = default(MapWinGIS.Shapefile);

MapWinGIS.Extents myExtents = new MapWinGIS.Extents();

int[] selectedShapes = null;

int i = 0;

int hndl = 0;

double pxMin = 0;

double pxMax = 0;

double pyMin = 0;

double pyMax = 0;

double pzMin = 0;

double pzMax = 0;

System.Drawing.Color col = default(System.Drawing.Color);

//Check if the map is in selection mode

if (Map1.CursorMode == MapWinGIS.tkCursorMode.cmSelection) {

//Get the handle of the layer at position 0

hndl = Map1.get_LayerHandle(0);

//Get the shapefile in the specified layer

sf = Map1.get_GetObject(hndl);

//Convert the boundaries of the selection box from pixel units to projected map coordinates

Map1.PixelToProj(e.left, e.bottom, pxMin, pyMin);

Map1.PixelToProj(e.right, e.top, pxMax, pyMax);

//Set the extents object to be used to find shapes that have been selected in the shapefile

myExtents.SetBounds(pxMin, pyMin, 0, pxMax, pyMax, 0);

//Check if there are any shapes with in the shapefile that intersect with the selection box

if (sf.SelectShapes(myExtents, 0, MapWinGIS.SelectMode.INTERSECTION, selectedShapes)) {

//Get the System.Drawing.Color which is being used as the fill color for the shapes in the layer

col = Map1.get_ShapeLayerFillColor(hndl);

//Set all shapes in the shapefile back to their original color

Map1.set_ShapeLayerFillColor(hndl, System.Convert.ToUInt32(Information.RGB(col.R, col.G, col.B)));

//For each of the selected shapes in the shapefile, color them differently than their original fill color

for (i = 0; i <= Information.UBound(selectedShapes); i++) {

Map1.set_ShapeFillColor(hndl, selectedShapes(i), System.Convert.ToUInt32(Information.RGB(100, 100, 0)));



应该是这样:Map1.SelectBoxFinal += += new EventHandler(Map1_SelectBoxFinal);//此处委托事件不一定对应.因为每个函数和事件的参数可能不一致,如果写得不对,请根据控件对象点出事件(Map1.SelectBoxFinal)后,安{Tab}键自动生成.
这段事件注册的代码最好写在"Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码"中.

<a href=" http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/vb-to-csharp/" target="_blank"> http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/vb-to-csharp/</a>

下一个:vb.net 中如何将图片保存到SQL数据库

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