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android 游戏开发一:游戏种类简介




一:Causal Games (休闲游戏)


Probably the biggest segment of games on the Android Market consists of so-called

causal games. So what exactly is a causal game? That question has no concrete

answer, but causal games share a few common traits. Usually, they feature great

accessibility, so even nongamers can pick them up easily, increasing the pool of

potential players immensely. A game session is meant to take just a couple of minutes at

most. However, the addictive nature of a causal game’s simplicity often gets players

hooked for hours. The actual game mechanics range from extremely simplistic puzzle

games to one-button platformers to something as 易做图 as tossing a 易做图 ball into a

basket. The possibilities are endless due to the causal genre having such a blurry





二:Puzzle Games(益智游戏)


Puzzle games need no introduction. We all know great games like Tetris(俄罗斯方块)and Bejeweled.

They are a big part of the Android gaming market and highly popular with all segments

of the demographic. In contrast to PC-based puzzle games, many puzzle games on

Android deviate from the classic match-3 formula and use more elaborate, physics-

based puzzles.


三:Action and Arcade Games (动作射击类)


Action and arcade games usually unleash the full potential of the Android platform.

Many of them feature stunning 3D visuals, demonstrating what is possible on the current

generation of hardware. The genre has many subgenres, including racing games, shoot-

’em-ups, first- and third-person shooters, and platformers. This segment of the Android

Market is still a little underdeveloped, as big companies that have the resources to

produce such titles are hesitant to jump on the Android wagon. Some indie developers

have taken it upon themselves to fill that niche, though.


四:Tower-Defense Games (塔防游戏)


Given their immense success on the Android platform, I felt the need to discuss tower-

defense games as their own genre. Tower-defense games became popular as a variant

of PC real-time strategy games developed by the modding community. The concept

was soon translated to standalone games. Tower-defense games currently represent the

best-selling genre on Android.

In a typical tower-defense game, some mostly evil force is sending out critters in so-

called waves to attack your castle/base/crystals/you name it. Your task is to defend that

special place on the game map by placing defense turrets that shoot the incoming

enemies. For each enemy you kill, you usually get some amount of money or points that

you can invest in new turrets or upgrades.

The concept is extremely 易做图, but getting the balance of such a game right is quite





Some games just can’t be put into a category. They exploit the new capabilities and

features of Android devices, such as the camera or the GPS, to create new sorts of

experiences. This innovative crop of new games is social and location-aware, and even

introduces some elements from the field of augmented reality.


作者 shangdahao

补充:移动开发 , Android ,
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