grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon -h For help from command line : oclumon <verb> -h For help in interactive mode : <verb> -h Currently supported verbs are : showobjects, dumpnodeview, manage, version, debug, quit, exit, and help grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon showobjects -h showobjects verb usage ====================== showobjects [[-allnodes]|[-n <node> [[-disk]|[-proc]|[-nic]]]][-time <time> [-b <band>]] *Where -n = Show objects for given node <node> = Node name for which objects need to be shown -time = Time at which objects are required <time> = Absolute time to be specified within quotes in "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" format, like "2007-11-12 23:05:00" -disk = To request list of disks -nic = To request list of network inte易做图ce cards -proc = To request list of processes -allnodes = Shows all the nodes which can be queried -b = For specifying maximum look up around <time> in seconds <band> = Size of band in seconds *Requirements Local System Monitor Service should be running to get objects. Master loggerd should be running to get objects. *Defaults : Time : Current Option : -allnodes *Example : showobjects -n stadn59 -disk -time "2008-02-20 02:01:48" grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon dumpnodeview -h dumpnodeview verb usage ======================= The dumpnodeview command reports monitored records in the text format. The collection of metrics for a node at a given point in time (a timestamp) is called a node view. * Usage dumpnodeview [[-allnodes|-n <node1> ...] [-last <duration>| -s <timestamp> -e <timestamp>][-v][-warning]] *Where -n <node1> ... = Dump node views for given nodes -allnodes = Dump node views for all nodes -s <timestamp> = Specify start time for range dump of node views -e <timestamp> = Specify end time for range dump of node views Absolute timestamp should be in "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" format, for example "2007-11-12 23:05:00" -warning = Print node views with warnings only -last <duration> = Dump the latest node views for a specified duration Duration should be in "HH24:MI:SS" format, for example "00:45:00" -v = Dump verbose node views *Requirements and notes To stop continuous display, use Ctrl-C on Linux or UNIX and Esc on Windows. -s and -e need to be given together for range dumps of node views. The local System Monitor Service (osysmond) should be running to get dumps. The Cluster Logger Service (ologgerd) should be running to get dumps. When -warning is used in continuous mode, the prompt waits until interrupted. *Defaults : Mode : Continuous mode *Example : oclumon dumpnodeview -n node1 node2 node3 -last "12:00:00" grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon manage -h MANAGE verb usage ================= manage [[-repos {resize <time>|changesize <memsize>|reploc <new_loc> [[-maxtime <time>]| [-maxspace <memsize>]] }]|[-get <key1> <key2>..]] *Where -repos = Required to specify Cluster Health Monitor repository related options -get = Fetch manage information for one or more named keys <key1> <key2>= <key> can be repsize, reppath, master, and replica resize = Option for resizing Cluster Health Monitor repository <time> = Size of Cluster Health Monitor repository in number of seconds must be more than 3600 (1 hour) and less than 259200 (3 days) changesize = Option for Change Cluster Health Monitor repository space limit <memsize> = Size of Cluster Health Monitor repository in megabytes reploc = Option for Change Repository Location <new_loc> = Path to new directory e.g.: /opt/db -maxtime = Option to specify Cluster Health Monitor repository size in terms of elapsed seconds of data capture for new location -maxspace = Option to specify space limit for new Cluster Health Monitor repository location *Requirements The local system monitor service must be running to resize the Cluster Health Monitor repository. The Cluster Logger Service must be running to resize Cluster Health Monitor repository. *Example : manage -get MASTER REPLICA manage -repos resize 86400 manage -repos changesize 6000 manage -repos reploc /opt/oracrfdb manage -repos reploc /opt/oracrfdb -maxtime 86400 manage -repos reploc /opt/oracrfdb -maxspace 6000 grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon version -h Cluster Health Monitor (OS), Version - Production Copyright 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved. grid@HQxTAL4A:~> oclumon debug -h debug verb usage ================ debug [log <daemon> <module:level>][version] *Where log = To change log levels <daemon> = Daemon whose log level has to be changed Following daemons are supported : osysmond, ologgerd, client, all <module:level> = Module and level pair Supported osysmond modules: CRFMOND, CRFM, allcomp Supported ologgerd modules: CRFLOGD, CRFLDREP, CRFM, allcomp Supported client modules: OCLUMON, CRFM, allcomp Supported log levels: 0, 1, 2, 3 version = To display versions *Note modules supported for 'all' daemons: allcomp All daemons support: CRFM, allcomp *Example: debug log osysmond CRFMOND:3