例如,有个UTF-8编码的txt文件 内容是 “中国人”,用ue32打开,他的16进制码是 EF BB BF E4 B8 AD E5 9B E4 BA BA我现在要获取 "EFBBBFE4B8ADE59BE4BABA"
本帖最后由 bcrun 于 2012-01-29 21:00:30 编辑 结果是“EFBBBFE4B8ADE59BBDE4BABA”
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:\1.txt" For Binary As #1
Dim x() As Byte
x = InputB(LOF(1), 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
Debug.Print Hex(x(i));
End Sub
Dim s() as byte
Dim strs as string
dim sout as string
for i=lbound(s) to ubound(s)
sout=sout & hex(s(i))
next i
debug.Print sout
Text1.Text = HEXGetByBytes(BytesGetByFile("TestUTF.txt", 1, 11))
Private Function BytesGetByFile(ByRef pFileName As String, ByRef pStart As Long, ByRef pLength As Long) As Byte()
'格式: [tOutBytes()] = BytesGetByFile(pFileName, pStart, pLength)
'功能: 从文件指定位置获取指定数量的字节数组
'参数: string pFileName '路径及文件名
' long pStart '数组读取位置(最小为1)
' long pLength '数组读取长度(这个长度是从0开始的,是实际数量-1。读取10个字节则应该是9)
'返回: byte tOutBytes() '返回字节数组
Dim tOutBytes() As Byte
Dim tOutBytes_Length As Long
Dim tFileNumber As Integer
Dim tFreeByte As Long
tFileNumber = FreeFile
Open pFileName For Binary As tFileNumber
tFreeByte = LOF(tFileNumber) - pStart
'如果pStart > 0并且tFreeByte >= 0则tOutBytes_Length是有效的值,否则为0。
'如果tFreeByte < pLength则tOutBytes_Length = tFreeByte
'如果tFreeByte >= pLength则tOutBytes_Length = pLength
tOutBytes_Length = ((pStart > 0) And (tFreeByte >= 0)) And ((tFreeByte < pLength) And tFreeByte) Or ((tFreeByte >= pLength) And pLength)
ReDim tOutBytes(tOutBytes_Length)
Get tFileNumber, pStart, tOutBytes()
Close tFileNumber
BytesGetByFile = tOutBytes()
End Function
Private Function HEXGetByBytes(ByRef pBytes() As Byte) As Byte()
'格式: [tOutHEX] = HEXGetByBytes(pBytes())
'功能: 从字节数组获取16进制字符串。
'参数: byte pBytes() '字节数组
'返回: string tOutHEX '16进制字符串(也可以是字节数组)
Dim tOutHEX() As Byte
Dim tOutHEX_Length As Long
Dim tOutHEX_Index As Long
Dim tBytes_Length As Long
Dim tBytes_Index As Long
tBytes_Length = UBound(pBytes())
tOutHEX_Length = tBytes_Length * 4 - 1
ReDim tOutHEX(tOutHEX_Length)
For tOutHEX_Index = 0 To tOutHEX_Length Step 4
tOutHEX(tOutHEX_Index) = HexEnCode(pBytes(tBytes_Index) \ &H10)
tOutHEX(tOutHEX_Index + 2) = HexEnCode(pBytes(tBytes_Index) Mod &H10)
tBytes_Index = tBytes_Index + 1
HEXGetByBytes = tOutHEX()
End Function
Private Function HexEnCode(pValue As Byte) As Byte
'格式: [tOutValue] = HexEnCode(pValue)
'功能: 将实际的不大于16的正整数转换为Ascii对应的16进制编码。
'参数: byte pValue '16进制位值
'返回: byte tOutValue '16进制字符串编码
HexEnCode = pValue + ((pValue > 9) And 7) + 48
End Function
补充:VB , 基础类