我现在有这么一个例子,就是在我要监控一个web项目的服务,当服务出现问题,通过vbs检测能够自动重启该服务。我的两个环境分别是:win7 64位、windows server 2003
on error resume Next
Dim a
a = True
data = "restart tomcat8------------>"
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Do While a
set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
http.open "GET","http://localhost:8080/oa/system/SysOnline",false
if http.Status > 299 then
set ts = fs.opentextfile("c:\xfgl_"&date&".txt",8,true)
WshShell.Run("taskkill /F /im Tomcat8.exe /T")
WshShell.Run("net start Tomcat8")
ts.write data
ts.write "error code:"
ts.write http.Status
ts.write "-------error time:"
ts.write now
ts.writeblanklines 2
end if
vbs每一秒访问http://localhost:8080/oa/system/SysOnline页面一次,如果访问不正常,则http.Status > 299,那么就会执行WshShell.Run("taskkill /F /im Tomcat8.exe /T") WshShell.Run("net start Tomcat8")这两个命令。
大 vbs tomcat java ee 如果访问不正常,则http.Status > 299,那么就会执行WshShell.Run("taskkill /F /im Tomcat8.exe /T") WshShell.Run("net start Tomcat8")这两个命令。
net.exe 和 Tomcat8.exe 都是控制台程序吧!它们运行时,当然就会跳DOS窗口出来。
我只能在cmd窗口下手动打这两个命令才有效,而在vbs里面的无效了,是不断的跳闪窗口(打开关闭,就是不启动了)而在我本地一切又是正常的。 用调试器(OD,WINDBG等)调试服务程序
To debug the initialization code of a service application, the debugger must be attached when the service is started. This is accomplished by creating a registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ProgramName
The ProgramName is the image file for the service application you are debugging. Do not specify a path. For example, the ProgramName might look like MyService.exe.
Under this key create a string data value called Debugger. The value of this string should be set to the full path of the debugger that will be used. For example,
In addition to setting this registry key, the service application must be marked as "interactive". This allows your service to interact with the desktop, and allows the debugger window to appear on your desktop.
This again requires modifying a registry key: you must bitwise-or the type entry for your service with 0x100 (this is the value for SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS according to Winnt.h). The exact location and name of this registry entry varies. For example:
Finally, you need to adjust the service application timeout. Otherwise, the service application will kill the debugger within 20 seconds after starting. Adjusting the timeout involves setting an entry in the following registry key:
Under this key, create a DWORD data value called ServicesPipeTimeout. Set this entry to the amount of time in milliseconds that you want the service to wait before timing out. For example, 60,000 is one minute, while 86,400,000 is 24 hours.
Now, when the service is started, the debugger will also start. When the debugger starts, it will stop at the initial process breakpoint, before the service has begun running. This allows you to set breakpoints or otherwise configure your debugging session to let you monitor the startup of your service. Another option is to place calls to the DebugBreak function in your service from the point at which you would like to break into the debugger. (For more information, see DebugBreak in the Platform SDK documentation.)
If your service is running with other services in a Service Host Process, you may need to isolate the service into its own Service Host Process.
补充:VB , 网络编程