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'Function CheckIp(cInput_Ip,cBound_Ip)
'Created by qqdao, qqdao@263.net 2001/11/28
'参数: cInput_Ip,代检查的ip
'    cBound_Ip,给定的范围格式为,单个ip,和范围ip,范围ip最后使用”-“分割,如果是“*”则必须放到最后一位
'                每个范围后添加":ALLOW"表示允许登陆,添加":REFUSE"表示拒绝登陆。多个范围用”;“隔开
'                 例如192.168.1*.*:ALLOW;;"
'返回值: true/false
'更新:2001/12/05  支持ALLOW,REFUSE支持’*‘,不想对?支持,因为和*差不多
function CheckIp(cInput_Ip,cBound_Ip)
dim cSingle_Ip,cTemp_IP,cStart_IP,cEnd_Ip
    CheckIp = false

        for i=0 to ubound(cSingle_Ip)
            if Instr(cSingle_Ip(i),"REFUSE") <> 0 then    '就是拒绝了
                    cTemp_IP = left(cSingle_Ip(i),instr(cSingle_Ip(i),":")-1)
            if Instr(cTemp_IP,"*") <> 0 then  '是宽范围
                cStart_IP = left(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"*")-1)
                if left(cInput_Ip,len(cStart_IP))=cStart_IP then
                    CheckIp = false
                    exit function
                end if
                end if

            if Instr(cTemp_IP,"-") = 0 then
            cStart_IP = cTemp_IP
            cEnd_Ip   = cTemp_IP
            cStart_IP = left(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"-")-1)
            cEnd_Ip   = left(cStart_IP,InStrRev(cStart_IP,".")-1)+"."+mid(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"-")+1)
            end if
            if     Ip2Str(cInput_Ip)>=Ip2Str(cStart_IP) and Ip2Str(cInput_Ip)<=Ip2Str(cEnd_Ip) then
                CheckIp = false
                exit function
            end if

        elseif Instr(cSingle_Ip(i),"ALLOW") <> 0 then             '允许
                    cTemp_IP = left(cSingle_Ip(i),instr(cSingle_Ip(i),":")-1)
            if Instr(cTemp_IP,"*") <> 0 then          '是宽范围
                cStart_IP = left(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"*")-1)
                if left(cInput_Ip,len(cStart_IP))=cStart_IP then
                    CheckIp = true
                end if
                end if

            if Instr(cTemp_IP,"-") = 0 then
            cStart_IP = cTemp_IP
            cEnd_Ip   = cTemp_IP
            cStart_IP = left(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"-")-1)
            cEnd_Ip   = left(cStart_IP,InStrRev(cStart_IP,".")-1)+"."+mid(cTemp_IP,instr(cTemp_IP,"-")+1)
            end if
            if     Ip2Str(cInput_Ip)>=Ip2Str(cStart_IP) and Ip2Str(cInput_Ip)<=Ip2Str(cEnd_Ip) then
                CheckIp =true
                CheckIp =false
            end if
        end if

end function

'Function Ip2Str(cIp)
'Created by qqdao, qqdao@263.net 2001/11/28
'参数:cIp ip地址
'返回值: 转换后数值
function Ip2Str(cIp)
    Dim str1,str2,str3,str4
    Dim cIp_Temp
    if cIp="" then cIp=""



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